Lifestyle tips

Coworkers talking about weight loss

Anyone feel awkward when coworkers suddenly start talking about their diets and weight loss, while you're just getting fatter and fatter?

I just stand there thinking that I have nothing to add to this conversation.
6 years

Coworkers talking about weight loss

Well, if you are significantly bigger than they are, you can say that you used to be their size, then you dieted and it slowed your metabolism. If that doesn't get them to change the conversation, just keep on talking. Say how they will get used to being your size, etc.
6 years

Coworkers talking about weight loss

Well, if you are significantly bigger than they are, you can say that you used to be their size, then you dieted and it slowed your metabolism. If that doesn't get them to change the conversation, just keep on talking. Say how they will get used to being your size, etc.[/quote

This is pretty funny😂!

Not Co workers....but when my wife would hang out with friends that all were pregnant around the same time after they all had their kids (multiple). The women would all complain how fat they were still after being pregnant and they couldn’t lose all the weight. Well my wife happened to keep gaining after her last pregnancy and was getting heavier and heavier each time this group would get together (much to my liking). But I could only imagine how my wife would feel when they would all be down within 5-10 lbs. if there pre pregnancy weight while my wife was easily 50-60 lbs. heavier than her pre pregnancy even after a couple years. I asked her what she would do after complaining to me about there conversations.......she said a lot of times I would pig out right in front of them having an extra piece of cake or really over doing it with cookies and stuff that were laid out for our get togethers. I thought it was pretty funny and she would also come home looking really stuffed and sexy.....and I loved it.
6 years

Coworkers talking about weight loss

What is more awkward for me is when someone is looking for confirmation of guilt and I refuse to play along. I won't help you shame yourself for having a donut or skipping a workout. It bothers me how some people can't just enjoy a sweet treat without talking about knowing they shouldn't or how 'bad' they are being.
6 years