
Scammers and scams. a forum post.

Hello. Some of you know me. Some of you don’t but that doesn’t matter

This is a thing that I think must be addressed. It has gone on too long and no one has seemed to be willing to talk about or bring it up. So, I will.

Also, this post is a little long. I will understand if you can’t hold your attention for this long.

Scams and Rumors of Scammers.

Lately in the shoutbox I have seen loads of posts similar to this: Member X is a liar; don’t trust anything she says and don’t give her any money.
And that’s all. No further information. No reason why. No nothing. I have a couple of theories as to what happened here.

Theory one. Let’s face it, guys. Some of you have some twisted ideas you’re not willing to share. I’ve heard more than I ever wanted to from women who have complained about your insanity. This theory says that YOU crossed some kind of a line and once they said no, you retaliated.

I wouldn’t want to say why either if I paid someone fifty bucks then told her to drink three quarts of cooking oil, or something worse, and she said you’re nuts. Took your money and cut you off.

Theory Two. You’ve been giving her money for a week now and SHE STILL HASN’T GAINED ANY WEIGHT!!!! Right? Somewhere in your broken brain you think people are going to change dramatically that fast. All those sticks of butter and gallons of straight oil are the perfect thing to make her huge. Anyone in their right mind won’t stick to this plan.
When it doesn’t happen.....well...

You can’t handle it so they must be lying, right. I mean. Your money is way more special than their own and any food they buy with it should make them gain a hundred pounds in a week, right?

So of course, when this doesn’t happen you flip out and spam the shoutbox about how not real someone is.

Now both of these theories, I am willing to bet are true! Guys. Come on. I know the name of the site is Fantasy Feeder. But a little bit of realism might bring you a long way.

You have all of these insane ideas in your head, give the money. Then start saying what you want and you are surprised that she bails on you? I mean, really?

Chances are you can’t pay people enough for the things you want them to do. And this is why none of you ever give out any information as to why the she is a scammer when you throw your accusations around because its “Personal”

Now, I will always be the first one to speak out against this whole trend as using Feeders as a free meal ticket. I am old school and think that a relationship is more important than being desperate and paying any feedee who MIGHT be willing to indulge in whatever fantasy floating around in my head at the time.

And if you need to rely on people who frequent this site to survive from day to day. You may need to get your life in some kind of order. I believe in you, you can do it!

You guys on the other hand, might just be desperate and broken enough to throw money at anyone who offers a short term good time.

With that being said. It’s time to address the other half.

Ladies. I get it. Guys here are slime. Most of will tell you that you are the most beautiful thing they have ever seen until the next woman comes along to distract them. Getting money from these brain dead zombies is likely pretty easy.
However, the dead brain reacts in bad ways. So, I have some suggestions to protect yourself from events like these and being the next one accused.

One: Make boundaries. Be one hundred percent clear on the things you will and will not do for money before any money is given. This seems like common sense but I have a feeling not everyone thinks this far ahead.

Two: Keep your circles of feeders small. Instead of advertising and trying to get as many as possible. Try to keep the number down to two or three people you can trust to be reliable. Talk to people, build a good foundation. If you cast wide nets, you’re going to catch everyone you don’t want.

Three: Set prices. Don’t be vague. Don’t set up an Amazon wish list and hope for the best. Be clear on what you want. Create a Tier system. Don’t be “Small donations” don’t be that person. Put a little bit of effort into it.

Four: Evidence. If someone calls you a scammer and refuses to say why you are one. Keep screen shots of the reason you cut them off. Then you can defend yourself and expose them for the sick and twisted person they really are.

Five: Maybe don’t ask for money on the FF shoutbox? It’s against the rules and anyone can report you for it. It makes you seem entitled, arrogant and pretentious. You can be a better person! Professional even if you get your act together and stop looking for the slime dwellers all the time.

Keep it low key, put it on your profile and let people take notice. You know they are going to look. So, hang out in chat and socialize a little bit. Don’t just demand money and see what happens. Be a real person.

I am sick of all the “She scammed me” posts.
6 years

Scammers and scams. a forum post.

Going on a website, and sending money to someone you have never met before is opening yourself up to being scammed. Some people asking for money may be legit. Some may be men pretending to be women, some may be married women, some may be thin people with no intention to ever gain. It's like gambling. Just assume that the money you spend will probably be lost. If you expect a big return from it, you're going to be disappointed. There really is no reason to point out scammers, because if you don't want to lose money, then don't send it to anyone.
6 years

Scammers and scams. a forum post.

I don't own this site so it's not up to me , but I will say that by allowing obvious liars you risk looking desperate for content and are likely to put off those who do not lie

As I said it's not my decision but if they allow fakes then there will always be some complaints

We have a website rule 'respect others':

Please be courteous and respectful to other members at all times. Do not post anything that is rude, insulting or offensive and don't be deliberately antagonistic. Avoid posting in all CAPITALS or all bold letters as this can be interpreted as aggressive behavior.

We don't allow members to call others liars especially if they have no proof. We're generally very strict on this although sometimes a post will slip through. If you come across a post that you think breaks this rule please report it to the moderators using the little 'flag' icon.
6 years

Scammers and scams. a forum post.

🎵 Draaaaaaaaaa-ma!!!!!! 🍿

Like goddamn here too!? I used to be on Feabie and heard stuff kinda like this and others happening, people posted about it giving details, I haven't been on Feabie in a while, left for some personal reasons not pertaining to anything like this but other kinds of personal reasons. I'm over here like 'Men stop acting like children and ladies stop accepting these idiot's money!' like goddamn
6 years