
Can fat become trendy some day?

Well with the rising amount of obesity in countries worldwide, I would have to tell you that for us to reach that point where obese people are seeing as celebrities and important people, we would have to create cures on many of the diseases that come with gaining such as Diabetes, high cholesterol, etc. If those diseases are cured then people wouldn't look at obese people so badly.
6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

I think, we already are beyond the point where (ultra-)thin is considered trendy. I'm seeing a lot of sexy heavy people around me, that don't hide their beauty behind huge clothes anymore.

I like, where that is heading.

In the VIP world, fat people are still the "funny fats", but even there, some change can be found.

6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

We are definately seeing such trends. We have extremists who shut down the Beach Body advertising because it was shaming fat people to buy their product.

At the other end of the scale we have people fat shamed to get to a healthy weight but this is increasingly being seen as unacceptable.

With fat becoming normal and also out of bounds as something to shame people for it's all changing.

Progress is being made on several fronts. Being a little overweight will be promoted at more healthy than being underweight or even normal weight. The next thing will be accepting obesity as a disability, a right and a lifestyle.

As a disability the obese will get extra protection by hate crime laws. If the victim or anyone who knows them thinks that the crime or hurtful words were motivated by obesity then the police are forced to respond and not just forget about it like they do with most crime.

I think obesity will become a more and more attractive lifestyle.
6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

This is Earth, it has been proven many times that apparently anything is possible XD
6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

I think it already slightly hear, fat people are the norm and it should be the slim people now who are considered outsiders (see how they like it) - i think people who shame fat people are probably have very little in their lives - cos they have to comment and interfere with other people day to day activities - but as hear in the uk they have the sugar tax, fact is there scared if they don't like fat people don't bloody well treat us! - but don't micro manage out lives YES

I'm Single - have very little by way as friends but you know what i know how to get along with people and have a laugh and joke - and the way the uk is constantly putting fat people down, and trying to make people do this and do that - you sometimes wonder if we are citizens or state workforce - anyway rant over i'm sure u get the jist if things - be fat be happy do you own thing and enjoy your life the best you can!

I fully agree with you, the way I see it there have even been fat people way before the 21st century obviously, fat people have always existed and it's highly unlikely that we're just gonna go and disappear off the face of the Earth, at the end of the day people are gonna do whatever the fuck they want, people are gonna eat what they want, be what they want, and do what they want, you cannot go and control every single little aspect of what people do, that's just it. I think it's wonderful when somebody has a wonderful amount of confidence, hell there are some fat people that have more confidence and self respect than half of the skinny people out there and are beautiful wonderful people, but society just wants to paint them as scum, that irks me to no end and that's gotta stop.
6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

Hi FF,

I was just wondering if fat could become trendy some day. Will we see chubby, round celebrities, XXL models in magazines, etc some day?

I'd love that idea because I think it would mean we're living in a less judging society.

A maybe 100-200 years ago, we used to think bigger as better because it meant they are wealthy. It would be great to come back to that again.

What do you think?

There were a few reasons being fat or overweight was considered positive, but the biggest reason was famine or lower food supply - if you have extra weight, you probably won't starve in lean times.
I don't think it would be a less judgemental society - it would just be a trade off in the standard ideal.
6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

Not as long as obesity researchers come up with outrageous things to stay employed
6 years

Can fat become trendy some day?

When diseases and ailments from malnutrition were the predominant killers, obesity was seen as good.
Now that diseases and ailments from obesity are the predominant killers, obesity is seen as bad.
Can't see that changing.
6 years