
Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

I used to think stuff like this happened in fantasy weight gain stories but I have heard about a slutty cheerleader who cheered in HS and college who gained 200 lbs and replaced her contacts with glasses all within a couple years of graduating as well as having a committed BF.

How easy it is to change?
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

I knew one gal who went from 170 to 280 in 9 months because she was very depressed.
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

To a certain extent yes. If planned and thought out you can gain a massive amount of weight within a few months to a year. But it takes a bit of dedication. However things like weight gain formula or gaining hundreds of pounds in a few days, that's impossible.
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

I think the cheerleader story has been over-done. It is so used for fiction, that it is hard to believe it when someone says it happened in real life. As far as gaining a large amount of weight in a short time, there are usually underlying factors, such as regaining lost weight. Being depressed in itself can cause a weight gain because of hormonal reasons. If you add that to overeating, a quick gain can happen. A history of extreme dieting can cause a quick gain too.
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

Quick gaining can happen but not over night or in a week, I don't I've ever heard of that happening irl
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

Quick gaining can happen but not over night or in a week, I don't I've ever heard of that happening irl
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

Just read patient reviews of Zyprexa (Olanzapine). 3 Million people on it in the US alone. Gaining 15lbs the first 3 weeks and 100+lbs the first year is very common. And these are folks often fighting the weight gain the entire time. They truly read like WG fiction how much the drug makes you obsess about food.

And of course the freshman 15 is real because of alcohol. Not only massive in calories, but essentially stunts your metabolism.

I had an ex-girlfriend who didn't start partying hard until her sophomore year. That fall she was putting back easily a 12-18 pack of beer everyday. From Sept to spring break she put on 75lbs - ALL beer weight. On Facebook, she is absolutely massive in photos now – always a beer in her hand.
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

Over a period of years, sure:
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

I'm slightly pudgy now at 143, but I'm doing the whole fit to fat and going from a cut 140- hopefully a fat and severely overweight 190lbs

Hope everything goes well. You will need even more attractive!
6 years

Do you think radical transformations like the ones in wg stories can happen irl?

6 years
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