
What causes a fat fetish?

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Not to change anything to much....but how many people have had this fetish take on new life.....meaning do you like more and more weight gain as you have become older? Do you find you not only like weight gain on others but now like it on yourself where as you didn’t really think about it a while before? Any other forms that this fetish has taken on and expanded ....(no pun intended)?
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

I loved the Hansel and Gretel story. I wanted to be Hansel and get fatter and fatter.
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

I don’t know what makes me want to be fat. For years I actually had a ‘lipophobia”, fear of fat. Over the past few years, however, I developed a strong desire to get really fat, and I did. I got my belly up to 49-50”,weight to almost 230 lbs at 5’ 6”.

Due to back surgery my pain specialist told me to lose the weight. I got my belly down to 43-44” and my weight to 206, but it did nothing to help my back.

Now, showing how strong and inexplicable this fetish is, I seriously have every intention of gaining back some weight. I’d like to get my belly to about 45-46” and maintain that. I like seeing my belly, and I miss it!
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

Like most people on here, I've been aroused by weight gain for as long as I can remember. Part of it might have been my mum's attitudes to fat people, she would (and still does) point someone out if she saw anyone fat in public, and she was always concerned with her own weight, sometimes poking and grabbing her own stomach. Maybe my little brain hardwired fatness as a 'naughty' thing and therefore started becoming aroused by it.

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Not to change anything to much....but how many people have had this fetish take on new life.....meaning do you like more and more weight gain as you have become older? Do you find you not only like weight gain on others but now like it on yourself where as you didn�t really think about it a while before? Any other forms that this fetish has taken on and expanded ....(no pun intended)?

This is interesting. The first thing that I can remember being into when I was about 6 or 7 was violet beuregarde inflating into a blueberry, and as I got older I started looking into weight gain and inflation. It started out at all cartoon stuff or comics, but more recently i've been drawn to real-life people , sloppy eating and loss of mobility.
Same fetish, different angles I guess =)
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

i don't understand how anyone can touch fat, whether thru hugging a fat relative, or being able to squeeze a chubby arm or pat a fat belly, and not be attracted to it!

fat just feels so amazing! it feels wonderful, and i have never understood how societal conditioning could over-power that innate wonderfulness of fat... it is a mystery to me.

once going thru puberty that attraction just becomes all the more primal, i think!
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

My theory:
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

I think it's something we just have, starts with a curiosity and then develops into a fetish. From personal experience I grew up not idolizing fat but I didn't reject it either. It wasn't until I saw an episode of Garfield called "Nighty Nightmare" where I saw him eat and eat so much that he out grows his house and wanted to keep eating. That was where the idea of getting so fat actually got me aroused and I would learn later on.
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

I notice a lot of people seem to recall back to the pigs is pigs cartoon or the Hansel and Gretel tale as a starting point

Interesting fact, Hansel and Gretel was always my absolute favorite fairy tale along with a few others, but it was right up there with my again absolute favorites 😂
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

Aside from the visuals really enhancing the female form, for me it's the reality that the person is "out of control" or is submissive – they're overpowered by their own gluttony and the power of food. There's something inherently kinky about it.

Even as I child I was always turned on by kinky mind control stories. It's a very large genre in literotica and has many ties to feederism IMO. is a great site btw.

Heavy people may try to hide their fatness, get teased for it...or they may be super confident, highly successful in their career and seem like they have it all together....but at the end of the day, inside everyone knows, that person is going home at night and submits their mind and body over to food. They can't stop it. And the evidence is plain to see as they grow and grow....their gluttony literally transforming their body and face.
6 years

What causes a fat fetish?

I guess it's different for different people, but for me it's always been a part of my sexuality. Even before like puberty I remember loving weight gain in cartoons, Willy Wonka, stuffing my clothes, being fascinated with fat and pregnant women, etc. Psychologically, I could get Freudian and say it has to do with early childhood experiences of witnessing a parent gain weight, but Freud did a lot of cocaine...

6 years
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