
Tight clothing

Some people lose weight accidentally. But the clothes may be out of style. Perhaps you will meet someone who will fit into the clothes?
6 years

Tight clothing

Every now and then he will keep something around. He used to do it more often, when he thought he would slim down. Now that he's accepted being fat, however, he doesn't do it as often.
I, however, note his rates of getting fatter, and I love seeing him after a big dinner. When I came home his shirt was plastered to his body, ready to come off. He does outgrow shirts faster than pants, but he has more elastic waistband pants than he used to.

I'm putting all of my "skinny clothes"?away in boxes... should I throw them out? Like is there ever coming back??

In the beginning I waited until he was almost bursting out of the clothes until I would buy new ones, but as he got fatter I found it more encouraging when he started buying clothes a size up. Once I came home with something and he said it was too big and I said, "It won't be for long."
Even if you stall in the gaining, bigger clothes can trick you into eating more. I would get rid of most of them. You'll need room to get fatter.
6 years

Tight clothing

I'm definitely guilty of keeping a couple items of "skinny" clothes around that I squeeze into occasionally to judge just how fat I've gotten. One of my favorites is a pair of pants from my wedding just 2 years ago that I can barely button now. Of course on top of this all of my clothes now are verging toward being future "skinny" clothes as I keep growing, and they keep getting tighter and tighter.
6 years

Tight clothing

Well chubbyhaylee, sounds to me like you are done with track! (kinds sounds like you might have been losing interest for a while)

So eat, enjoy, (try the cream with your Oreos!) and welcome to FF!
5 years
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