Fat experiences

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

She asked a question and didn't like the answer she got clearly. That's her problem.
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

As long as you don't know why she isn't talking to you it's all speculation. Talk to her! Maybe you are misinterpreting this because you expect a negative outcome.

The thing is that you don't have to be embarrassed of you fetish. It's not your fault you have it it's only your fault how much you let it roam and if you hurt or use anyone just to get satisfaction. This said: If she is by any means disgusted or feeling awkward it's her problem not yours. I am glad my ohantasies have been accepted by anyone I told so far. But honestly I never told anyone to which extend I really live my ohantasies.
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

Is it possibly conceivable that maybe, just maybe she being your "bestest friend" and all, that at one point she had the hots for you, but then once she got a dose of what your true type is, a few bolts in her mental housing group came loose? Just sayin'
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

My wife was initially disgusted with the idea. Vowed then and there that she'd never be fat.

But she naturally started piling on weight like most married women w/kids do. After she lost motivation in losing it, she then realized the comfort and celebration knowing she can just let go, enjoy food, life and not stress about her body.

Now that she knows I'm a feeder, she fully takes advantage of it while she binges Netflix and shamelessly expects late night cooked meals, prepared snacks or for me to run out and get whatever she's fancying at the moment. We both now know we've met in the middle but she hasn't connected the dots that she's turned into a feedee.
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

I virtually never disclose my fetish, primarily because of the thrill I get when people notice my fat little husband - it's so thrilling to see them do a double take.

His family wasn't thrilled that he got so fat. While they no longer try to get him to exercise or go on diets, they notice how nonchalant I seem to be when it comes to his weight. "Don't you want him to slim down?" "Don't you want him to 'take control'?" No, and absolutely no lol!

Once a co-worker who has met my husband shot me a glance when they said something about his love of sweets. I said, "But that's what makes him so nice and plump," and went on to list several of his best qualities. They gave me some serious side eye - that's the closest I've come to announcing my fetish. I'm sure, though, they can figure it out.
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

Now that she knows I'm a feeder, she fully takes advantage of it while she binges Netflix and shamelessly expects late night cooked meals, prepared snacks or for me to run out and get whatever she's fancying at the moment. We both now know we've met in the middle but she hasn't connected the dots that she's turned into a feedee.

Mine doesn't know I'm a feeder (doesn't know of the concept even) but knows I like her bigger. And what you describe is exactly what I live smiley Sandwiches at 11 PM, fried chicken in the afternoon. "Can I have....", "Could you make me a....", "Do we still have..."
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

I virtually never disclose my fetish, primarily because of the thrill I get when people notice my fat little husband - it's so thrilling to see them do a double take.

His family wasn't thrilled that he got so fat. While they no longer try to get him to exercise or go on diets, they notice how nonchalant I seem to be when it comes to his weight. "Don't you want him to slim down?" "Don't you want him to 'take control'?" No, and absolutely no lol!

Once a co-worker who has met my husband shot me a glance when they said something about his love of sweets. I said, "But that's what makes him so nice and plump," and went on to list several of his best qualities. They gave me some serious side eye - that's the closest I've come to announcing my fetish. I'm sure, though, they can figure it out.
I've had that situation too. It's kinda strange. None of my friends ever give my wife a hard time for being big and they all love her, including my coworkers when I bring her with me to work-social functions; but I seem to get the most from my folks. They love her too but they kinda (berate is kinda a strong word to use for it) question her about losing weight. Whenever my Mom questions me I always just kind of Deadpan it and shrug my shoulders.
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

At a music festival a couple years ago I'm sitting beside our tent with my buddy and there's all of these topless skinny girls walking by. I opened up regarding how I didn't find a lot of the girls attractive and how my wife had gained a lot of weight , I discovered I love her figure and am a dyed-in-the-wool FA.

I felt vulnerable - I had never told another friend before and he was pretty straight laced. He then responds that he has the same sentiments and that he recently hooked up with some SSBBW dominatrix off the internet. And his wife was supportive of it.

My jaw hit the floor and I was speechless. Was like "well, you have me beat, haha!!"
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?


However, I believe that being with someone and you being a secret feeder is basically being pure slime. If you do this, why are you even here?

So, I tell everyone I manage to talk to online and might be interested in it. Those who I don't talk to here and fetlife, anyway.

Anywhere else it just gets me blocked or a nasty reply message!

Anyone in real life, ha ha ha, forget it.

I'd rather be rejected than a dishonest dwip, though.
6 years

Did you admit that you are into "feederism" and went wrong?

We shoudln't always think in extremes. Completely hiding it, or starting a fetish talk at the first opportunity are just asking for trouble.

Communication is always two-directional. You have to make sure they understand your point of view.

If there is an opportunity, I always tell that weight is not the only factor in attractiveness and there are many women with some extra weight who I find attractive. If they seem acceptive, I might raise the odds a little, by telling that there are some women whom some extra weight might even make a little more attractive.

And I'm not lying, just being fat is not the only source of attractiveness. (just like a regular average non-FA guy doesn't fall in love with each and every thin woman)

I never had negative reactions about it, despite being in Europe.
6 years
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