
A fat mom is a good mom?

How many women think a fat Mom is a good Mom? A good Mom is a Mom who eats their kid’s uneaten meals rather than throw them away because they think it’s the right thing to do?
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

I don't think it's really at all relevant to whether someone is a good mom or not. It's one factor of hundreds or thousands which determine that.
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

It's just something she should do. Eat whatever so it doesn't go to waste
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

I've mentioned it in other threads, the gaining "super mom" is the gainer I admire and have the guilty pleasure of witnessing the most. She doesn't want to gain - but her thriftiness, tiredness and ever growing love for snacks keeps on getting the best of her.

The one's that stuff themselves to the point of pain at restaurants with their kids' uneaten meals because it's the "right thing" to do.

The ones that bake their kids cookies and brownies but there's always a 1/3 pan left at 10PM. She tries to throw it away but knows the exact number of the grocery bill - instead eats the pan to herself.

The on-the-go mom whose time is consumed with shuttling kids to continuous practices/games that now finds herself having a secret go-to fav in the McDonald's drive-thru.

The one that clears out the fridge of leftovers, but can neither find anyone interested or the courage to throw it away.

The super mom that throws family/neighborhood parties and is stuck with 20lbs of leftovers and cake that beckon her name at midnight.

The super mom that's run ragged and finally gets her "me time" once the kids are in bed. Whatever the gluttonous stuffing session is, she knows she "deserves it". She earned it.

She never wanted to be a stuffer. But damn, has she become really good at it. And it keeps on taking more to feel full.

After a while, the defeatism of their constantly growing body sets in and after hanging out with all of the other growing moms, they start to internalize: maybe a good mom is a fat mom. Screw it; let's stop at Dairy Queen on the way home. I've had a long day.........again.
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

Am I the only one here who finds that talking of fattening up children, on a fetish site that's all about sexual attraction to fat, is a little bit beyond creepy?
Rubbed me the wrong way. I've made threads in the past here regarding cooking different meals for your spouse and kids; what my wife and I agree she'll eat is often different from what we serve our children as we want them at a healthy weight.

Children do not have the emotional tools and capacity to handle being overweight and the social disconnection/bullying it often yields.

I think the topic at hand is the opposite: the children that eat like birds and the garbage disposal gainer mom that puts it all away.
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

Oh, not you – the idea of purposely fattening your kids is what drew my ire. Hell, I have personal confliction at times for even having a fattening wife and the example that is for the kids.
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

Am I the only one here who finds that talking of fattening up children, on a fetish site that�s all about sexual attraction to fat, is a little bit beyond creepy? I understand that wasting food is never good, but the little bites my kids don�t eat wouldn�t amount to much of anything in addition to what I already eat. I don�t think what a mom eats and her weight determines whether or not she is a good mom. But if your sexual attraction is to feed someone and you think of yourself as a feeder when providing basic meals for your children, and also thinking/hoping they they get fat, just seems super creepy and pedo to me. Kids shouldn�t be sexualized, and what you do for your children shouldn�t be sexualized either. But that�s just me. I�m not accusing anyone here of being a pedo by the way (other than the people who openly or privately admit to it, which I always screen shot and report) but reading through the replies on here just made me feel sick...

I knew instantly this was a fetish post. You're not the only one
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

Personally I never heard of this before, so this sounds very new to me, cut even so it alone sounds kind of.. odd, like I know I have a fat fetish and everything, but not towards kids, if I had my own children I personally wouldn't have any desire to fatten them up,if I did have a desire to fatten somebody up it would be my so who would have to be okay with that and doesn't mind getting fatter, we both would have consent to that. Children on the other hand I don't think are developed enough to make those decisions knowing the full extent of them, although I can't understand why somebody would have the desire to ask them in the first place,it sounds really confusing to me.
Also this is in regards to the post above
6 years

A fat mom is a good mom?

Am I the only one here who finds that talking of fattening up children, on a fetish site that's all about sexual attraction to fat, is a little bit beyond creepy?

Indeed, it's also not permitted and content about it such as stories or posts even if fiction, will be removed. Site's for 18+ content only. I think we've removed the concerning post/s about it now so far.
6 years