Lifestyle tips

How does one slow down their metabolism ?

Slowing your metabolism down in the context of gaining is fairly tricky to do. I would simply focus on eating a massive caloric surplus - combining meals that are high in fat and carbs.

The phenomenon known as Yo-Yo dieting (when overweight folks become even fatter due to a weight loss diet) is how you slow your metabolism down. Essentially, you must stay in a caloric deficit (cause weight loss) for an extended period. The body slows its metabolism since it's, in a sense, starving. When one has dieted/fasted for a while the metabolism slows to a crawl.

So how does a person become even fatter while on a weight loss diet? If one is trying to lose weight you then need to slowly "reverse-diet" for many weeks to properly end a diet (add 200 calories a week to slowly get your metabolism up while keeping fat off). BUT..... what do most people with weight problems do? They break their diet and start binge eating and/or move directly to eating their "normal" portion sizes again. Because their metabolism is at a crawl, they will rapidly pile on weight and regain what took many months to lose often in a few weeks.

After ending up fatter than they were before the diet, they will then attempt to lose the weight again by moving into a caloric deficit which further slows their metabolism down even more. This perpetuates the Yo-Yo cycle that leads to rapid fat gain whenever they cave and break their diet.

Alcohol has also shown to slow the metabolism by up to 73%. And numerous anti-psych medications have a dramatic impact on metabolism.
6 years

How does one slow down their metabolism ?

Some people have unfortunately have a fast metabolism and require almost double what other people need to gain.

I know a lot of gainers who maintain the low 180's eating over 3,000 calories a day when they are sedentary, while others gain around two pounds a week with that surplus.

Typically I gained no weight with only 3000 kcal a day. That is why I needed whipped cream to get other 3000 kcal, so 6000 kcal a day. But I was lucky. Because of diabetes (I think), since May, I just lose weight wathever I do. Days with 8000 kcal do nothing. At the beginning of May 2018, I weighed 129 kg. I thought that I would weight more than 130 kg during the summer, but then I just lost weight and I could do nothing against it. In the middle of August 2018, I just weighed 121 kg...
6 years

How does one slow down their metabolism ?

Yes, whipped cream works very well, but you get diabete within 2-3 years.
6 years

How does one slow down their metabolism ?

I'm so sorry to hear about your struggle with gaining & diabetes:-/ Are you taking insulin or just meds?

Just meds, but I hope that I take insulin soon. Now it seems I am gaining again, but as long as I don't take insulin, I will always reach a limit where I'll not be able to gain anymore.
6 years

How does one slow down their metabolism ?

I have a weight gain shake everyday with heavy whipping cream or we melt a gallon of ice cream for me to drink. I’m lucky enough that my fiancé doesn’t want me to work so I don’t really do much but lay around watching TV all day so I think my metabolism slowed from laying around for over a year
6 years