
As a fa, does the cause why someone is fat, influence your level of attraction?

There can be several reasons why someone has a lot of extra weight. Of course, they are not exclusive, one can have many of them at the same time.

A.) Genetics, hard to lose weight and easy to gain

B.) Just being lazy and hedonistic

C.) Actually loving food, and accepting the consequences. Eating delicious food is the most pleasurable thing.

D.) Having an insatiable hunger, and uncontrollable food cravings.

E.) Comfort eating due to mood swings.

F.) Food addiction, wanting to stop but being unable to.

G.) Getting fat in order to please you.

H.) Getting fat as an act of rebellion (against parents or ex who wanted to have too much control over the eating habits)

I.) Being sexually turned on by the process of eating and stuffing

J.) Being sexually turned on by being fat and becoming bigger.

Does someone having these traits influence the level of attractiveness? If so, which are the most important ones?
(for me, C and D are the biggest turn-ons, followed by milder versions of I and J, although a too extreme J might scare me a little. I could also enjoy A but mostly if coupled with some of the above)
6 years

As a fa, does the cause why someone is fat, influence your level of attraction?

Honestly all of them are definitely good with long as they are gaining!

With that said I kind of gravitate when my wife can’t control her appetite and keeps gaining’s almost better than if she was trying to on purpose....but like I mentioned gaining weight is all very good any way mentioned.
6 years

As a fa, does the cause why someone is fat, influence your level of attraction?

For me, it does not matter at all. (As long as it is not from pregnancy). If she gains as a side effect of medicine or any non-eating reason, that is fine with me.
6 years