Extreme obesity

How fat would you like to be?

I'd love to be 800+
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

I've revised my desired weight to around 650 pounds... roughly twice what I weigh now.
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

It started at280 then 300. Then 350, then till my belly touched the steering wheel. Then it was when my belly touched the bathroom counter. Then it was when I out grow Wal-Mart clothes.(all of which have long been surpassed) It's more about size and flab. I would say I'm around 370lbs. Now. I made another goal that I would go until I started seeing purple itchy stretch marks (a SHURE SIGN of gaining)and well that's happening now. I want my left side to roll over my love handle like it does on the right. I'm thinking 420lbs? Cuz I'm a stoner? But who REALLY knows any more. I really like being an obese gluttonous pig.i love food, jiggling every were, how much space I take up, falling out of small clothes, and I just want more! More food, more flab, more space!. Hahaha I guess you could say I'm "greedy". Hahaha. If I had some to help me get larger....OH GEEZ! I can only imagine!.........please help..........laugh my fat ass off!! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

Up date. I'm hovering at 390-397. So basically 400 is a guarantee. And I'm shooting for 420. But realistically I will probably end up at 450. Some of my goals are of course being over 400 lbs. Then I want to be over a size 60 waist.(I'm size 50 now). I want to hang out of my 4xl shirts even when standing. And I really want my belly to slap around every were when I walk. I have a acquired a new back roll. And more stretch Mark's! But I want more!!

Update 2,
I'm at 411 now! I'm so big! I now have to lift my fat up to use the bathroom. And my bally reaches the bathroom counter! And I'm in a size 58! They aren't snug yet so I still have a little room to grow in them! 450 is definitely my new goal weight! Still shooting for a snug size 60 as well! What should I eat next!? ๐Ÿ˜
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

It started at280 then 300. Then 350, then till my belly touched the steering wheel. Then it was when my belly touched the bathroom counter. Then it was when I out grow Wal-Mart clothes.(all of which have long been surpassed) It's more about size and flab. I would say I'm around 370lbs. Now. I made another goal that I would go until I started seeing purple itchy stretch marks (a SHURE SIGN of gaining)and well that's happening now. I want my left side to roll over my love handle like it does on the right. I'm thinking 420lbs? Cuz I'm a stoner? But who REALLY knows any more. I really like being an obese gluttonous pig.i love food, jiggling every were, how much space I take up, falling out of small clothes, and I just want more! More food, more flab, more space!. Hahaha I guess you could say I'm "greedy". Hahaha. If I had some to help me get larger....OH GEEZ! I can only imagine!.........please help..........laugh my fat ass off!! 😂😂

Up date. I'm hovering at 390-397. So basically 400 is a guarantee. And I'm shooting for 420. But realistically I will probably end up at 450. Some of my goals are of course being over 400 lbs. Then I want to be over a size 60 waist.(I'm size 50 now). I want to hang out of my 4xl shirts even when standing. And I really want my belly to slap around every were when I walk. I have a acquired a new back roll. And more stretch Mark's! But I want more!!
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

So fat that traditional self-pleasuring is impossible (too fat to reach around belly, thighs and fat pad.)
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

I want to be too fat to get out of bed with out help but not so fat that I want get out of bed at all. Part of the allure is being able to still go out and show off the size I am. All be it on a mobility scooter or wheel chair. 800-900lb probably.

Being hopelessly dependent on my feeder for everything
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

I want to be too fat to get out of bed with out help but not so fat that I want get out of bed at all. Part of the allure is being able to still go out and show off the size I am. All be it on a mobility scooter or wheel chair. 800-900lb probably.

Being hopelessly dependent on my feeder for everything
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

Iโ€™m in a gaining mood at the moment. Girls who waddle when they walk have always been a fascination for me both as a partner and as a personal size goal. I like the struggle of obesity so I guess thatโ€™s my goal weight. The point that I waddle and pant asi walk. Iโ€™d guess around the 450 mark maybe more.
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

Long term goal would be 400 lbs smiley
6 years

How fat would you like to be?

I've found that the bigger I get the bigger I want to be. My original goal was 300, then I reached it and decided that 350 was the weight for me, now I'm 330 and im thinking at least 400+
5 years