Fattening others

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Ofcourse I love bigger bellies that's why I'm here! I am small thin and love everything about a big boy. How do I define bigger? Well I guess I would know when I'm really satisfied, but for now I would love Love my husband to gain faster. He is doing it for me and has finally flipped on the confidence embracing it and that just makes me want him to gain faster. Unfortunately, he DOESN'T want to gain more than that b/c he says he wants to enjoy the process of gaining and I can understand that. He says he doesn't want to get sooo big that he can't play with kids or etc and he has plantar fasciitis and is worried about weight bearing on his feet. I understand. How is he gaining 1 lb a month? He hit 40 and past couple years started gaining at this rate just by eating his normal diet, which is normal just not health food, last 6m he's put on almost 1.5 lbs per month and that gain and Sexy confidence is HOT! He is 5'8 184 and past 10yrs gained 50lbs so in his 30s and us 41 now.

Question: How could really get him to gain maybe 2lbs a month or little more easily incorporated into his diet w/o requiring more food / appetite intake? He has trouble with appetite and so getting the calorie increase w/o filling up - Ways to sneak in more calories...I just think if he gained 15lbs asap I would go nuts!
6 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Ofcourse I love bigger bellies that's why I'm here! I am small thin and love everything about a big boy. How do I define bigger? Well I guess I would know when I'm really satisfied, but for now I would love Love my husband to gain faster. He is doing it for me and has finally flipped on the confidence embracing it and that just makes me want him to gain faster. Unfortunately, he DOESN'T want to gain more than that b/c he says he wants to enjoy process of gaining and I can understand that. He says he doesn't want to get so big that he can't play with kids or etc and he has plantar fasciitis and is worried about weight bearing on his feet. I understand. How is he gaining? 1lb a month? He hut 40 and past couple years started gaining at this rate just by eating his normal diet, which is normal just not health food. He is 5'8 184 and past 10yrs gained 50lbs so in his 30s.

Question: How could I get him to gain maybe 2lbs a month...anyway w/o him really knowing? I just think if he gained 15 I would go nuts!
just fix him bigger meals, and try to keep him full and happy smiley
6 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Okay, and I probably lied about how much I would love him to gain. I would go crazy nuts if he gained 30, but I doubt he would do it? The thing is, he is at work and eats when he can and what he can. I started him on a boost plus milkshake I'm making him w/ ice cream and added tablespoons of oil mixed in for boost and that adds 900calories. I've encouraged he eat more and get shakes. Update pic, can't tell but I think he might be putting on some # faster than he was. Feeling hopeful sooner.
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Just keep up the good work.
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Maybe cook for him and offer to gain a little with him so he doesn�t feel alone..

He doesn't want me to gain he likes smaller women and wouldn't like it if I gained any weight unless like when I was pregnant he enjoyed weight with the idea I would lose it. We have 5 children and I luckily, since he only likes me small, Ive lost the weight each time.
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

How about respecting his expressed wishes and desires instead of secretly going against them for your own sexual gratification? Poor guy. I hope someday you�re able to treat him better or that he is able to find someone genuine in his life. 😔

You are right! My post to "want" to "secretly" fatten him was not the right way to say things. He has gained weight without me pushing or trying to overindulge him other than letting him know, he is and was Sexy to me and that I do love very much the added weight he has gained on his own! Like I mentioned, when he hit almost 40 he really started gaining about 1lb a month. He decides his lunches, snacks etc and how much he eats what he drinks, but letting him know I'm pleased - don't see anything wrong with that! Asking if he is interested in gaining a little faster for awhile because I love it - he wants to please me! Do I get to have someone pleasure me? Everything is in the open and his choice.
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Noticeable weight gain? ..1m later. He hasn't been on scale in about a month from when earlier pics were taken. But I think he has gained, I think... Different positions are hard to compare.

Last pic is of last July...I think about a 15lb+ gain in the year not counting last month's unknown efforts, as he is trying to gain, by not caring at all, but has appetite issues so only eats when hungry, but isn't hungry until like 11am! He is adding a milkshake daily most days unless he doesn't feel up to it.
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Do like my wife did, keep offering him 2nds and desert. Also buy bigger plates. Weekend was a good time for me. Snacks and yes wife gained to.
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Gonna second that "go with what he wants/is comfortable with". Don't secret fatten, only consensual fatten.

He could snack while watching TV/movies. Netflix and binge. The media distracts attention from bodily signals, so he might not notice that he's filling up!

Another option is a little broth with MSG, assuming he doesn't have a reaction. I read somewhere that MSG makes your body believe a high protein meal is coming, and then you get hungry when you don't get as much protein as "promised" by the MSG. Which is why you get hungry soon after eating a meal flavored with MSG.

And then there's the classic suggestion of eating before bed. Carbs will help you go to sleep, and then there's nothing to do with them while asleep but get fatter.

For a more adult recommendation, bring him a snack after sex. Classic pavlovian conditioning--he'll come to *need* that snack when you're finished smiley
5 years

Husband gaining 1lb month (only)! how to change?

Oooh I just read your great response! He doesn't ever want a snack after sex, he has said it makes him tired! Ofcourse I would love to make a snack then! smiley MSG, interesting...

I attached updated pics, not sure if a difference is seen. The right pics are from mid June - July.

I haven't done many shakes recently, just normal encouragement & he wants to please me and as usual he enjoys eating what he wants. His appetite is still pretty low as he admits but I know Sept 5th his Dr's check put him at a gain of 5lbs in august 190lbs. Not sure if he has made gains in September, he doesn't want to get on the scale much, I don't ever ask, but I wonder... L tees are not great, xl seems better, 34 pant size is too tight and 36 w/ loose fit is his only choice in cut or he is uncomfortable he says. He personally snagged some xxl tees & sweatshirts for around the house from work that he said were laying around and are more comfortable... I would love to see this trend in the winter months break to 210, but it's really just the sizing and clothes that seems to get him reminded of discomfort. Thought I could encourage by making sure he has some in next Size up in pants w/o overwhelming him.
5 years
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