
How much weight did you gain during pregnancy?

How are the nurses not so nice?
5 years

How much weight did you gain during pregnancy?

My wife gained 60-70 lbs during her pregnancy. I gained 80 during the second pregnancy.
5 years

How much weight did you gain during pregnancy?

I gained 60-70lb each time and lost maybe half of each gain, so I got fatter each time but after the last one I swore I'd fill out all the room in my belly with fat and now I look nine months plus all the time and am a good 30lb heavier than I was at the end of my last pregnancy. And I'm still gaining. You look absolutely great. You eat what you need ;0)

My wife gained about 50 during both her pregnancy and then lost. Our second time I was just eating all the time. Doctor started to ask if I was pregnant. You look amazing. I wish my wife could be your size.
5 years

How much weight did you gain during pregnancy?

My wife only gained 20lbs her first pregnancy. But then 80 the 2nd. Oh what a glorious time!
5 years