Extreme obesity

Double your partners size

When I met my wife she was around 120 with natural curves. She was curvy mostly in the hips and butt....in our first year of being together she gained 15-20 pounds and that was what I thought was my preference. Loved her new soft belly and added overall softness. It took another 9 years before I saw any major changes as she then started to gain weight. (She would yo yo weight 10-30 lbs and lose it in the first 10 years of marriage) she got as high as 180 after kids. Ten years in and just in early 30’s she started unintentionally gaining and it was a slippery slope smiley she gained up to 225-230 and would yo yo weight down to around 190 and back up. Now currently she is at her heaviest at around 240-250 and it’s spectacular. She does classes to exercise but the weight won’t budge any lower. She wishes she was a smaller size to be healthier but knows she is a fat girl and that I enjoy it. I will say that my personal preference has gone up and up with her weight as she has gained. When I discovered this site a long time ago I never knew I would enjoy a partner at 240- 250 but it’s amazing. Good luck to you and your significant other but make sure it’s what you want, chances are she will never go back as it’s hard to lose. It helps that my wife has a great attitude and doesn’t care what others think, she makes comments about herself and her fat but she looks great and holds her weight well as you would never guess she weights that much. A size 6 and 120 lbs when we stared to size 18 and 245ish now. (She won’t tell me her weight but jokes how she is 250) so I know she’s around that. Think godess Shar with another 30-40 pounds and that’s how my wife is built. I’m lucky smiley
6 years

Double your partners size

Hanginglow: I will say that my personal preference has gone up and up with her weight as she has gained. When I discovered this site a long time ago I never knew I would enjoy a partner at 240- 250 but it's amazing.

I've had the exact same experience. I only wanted my wife to gain 30lbs max. But then even at +75lbs, I slowly wanted more. I vividly recall some photos from a few years ago where I thought "that's the heaviest I would want my wife to be". And I can chuckle now because I barely even consider some of those girls "fat" now!

I used to never want her more than 200. But it's hard not to get bit by the bug when you see some gorgeous 300lb woman at a restaurant that dwarfs your little wife.
6 years

Double your partners size

I was three times the size of my last partner. He was 130 lbs. Altjough how some of these replies are worded... kind of yikes lol.

I dare you, be specific. Or if it's that bad private message me.
6 years

Double your partners size

Hanginglow: I will say that my personal preference has gone up and up with her weight as she has gained. When I discovered this site a long time ago I never knew I would enjoy a partner at 240- 250 but it's amazing.

I've had the exact same experience. I only wanted my wife to gain 30lbs max. But then even at +75lbs, I slowly wanted more. I vividly recall some photos from a few years ago where I thought "that's the heaviest I would want my wife to be". And I can chuckle now because I barely even consider some of those girls "fat" now!

I used to never want her more than 200. But it's hard not to get bit by the bug when you see some gorgeous 300lb woman at a restaurant that dwarfs your little wife.

Ditto to all of this!
6 years