
Does fit and fat not really do it for you?

Not as active as I used to be however enjoy/appreciate whatever natural athleticism I've retained thus far.
If i want to go on a hike, walk several miles to sightsee, etc... I tend to get a tad annoyed when,short of,breath. Mostly due to bad smoking habit I can't afford. Plan to quit and hopefully put on at least 20 pounds!

Would prefer to maintain a certain amount muscle tone and fitness levels to still enjoy things I like.
What is the point of weighing 600+ if you can't move around to fully expeiance the effects?
Yet at the same time I get a thrill from those moments of exertion when getting off the couch or floor. Other signs I'm getting noticeably fatter.

Fit and fat is my preference, old knee injury already bothers me, sore back,and,feet... Health concerns aside I'm a very independent person. Dont want,to be reliant on anyone or unable to ride a roller coaster. Get out in nature, stroll through the woods, or waddle.
6 years

Does fit and fat not really do it for you?

There are many different kinds of fitness. Fitness does not simply mean muscles, it may mean just fitter than a total potato. As erotic as pure sloth is as a fantasy, it is dangerous and boring as a reality. Being muscly may be a certain turn-off, but being fit enough to survive an orgasm? Only in the most extreme fantasies is that not a good thing (though in all honesty they can be perversely and disturbingly hot). The truth is, as others here have mentioned, some of the sexiest things about being unfit is having to move around and feel the weight, or to watch your lover become excited as you try to move around and do even normal things. Also, swimming is a seriously erotic form of fat exercise: The body moves, its wet and soft, waves of flesh in waves of water, floating as it belies its weight, moving as it belies its encumberance, and its decent light cardio that doesn't build muscle. Also, having to have help to get out of the pool can be very sexy and embarrassing.

I am a fan of fantasies like those of, or my own for that matter, or even ones like Wicked Stepfather, truly one of the darkest stories out there, but fantasy of any type tends to be limited by words and length, one-dimensional if you will, and so misses the depth of the eroticism of reality. To be fit enough to enjoy your life will not decrease your pleasure at your general unfitness, and the value gained thus will far outweigh any erotic fantasy.
6 years

Does fit and fat not really do it for you?

i love it all...

i love it when my feedees becomes less mobile, less agile, slower and more helpless as they gain and grow, and their reach diminishes...

i also love the thought of being with a feedee who is stronger than me, in better shape, and able to dominate me... that way i could stuff them and use that to temporarily incapacitate them and gain control, even if only for a short while... smiley

it all excites me, to be honest!
6 years

Does fit and fat not really do it for you?

In practice I aim for fat and (somewhat) fit, because I like doing a lot of things that I'm not willing to give up.

In fantasy? More like:
Drop me off in front of the door of the -restaurant because walking from the parking lot would leave me breathing hard for ages.
-Even if so much belly didn't get in the way I couldn't do missionary because I couldn't support my weight for long at all.
-Getting up off the floor a major production that would leave me winded and shaking.
-Max of one flight of stairs at a time with long breaks in between.
6 years

Does fit and fat not really do it for you?

I assumed it was easy to stay fit and heavy if you were already fit. But outside of a cardiovascular level, I highly doubt that now. Almost all of the heavy guys I've seen in the fitness/bodybuilding community all become "skinny fat". Your hormonal profile completely changes with the massively increased estrogen you experience once obese (estrogen is produced in the adipose/fat tissue). More fat = more estrogen (a lot of obese men even encounter gynecomastia and require surgery, there estrogen levels are so high). It makes it really challenging to build or maintain any muscle.

The overweight powerlifters all need anti-estrogen drugs and steroids to maintain the muscle and strength they have with the weight they're carrying.
6 years