
No discipline is such a beautiful thing

AM: "I only want half a toast"

PM: "Just some raspberries for me"

- "Can you make me a meal?"
- "Do we have BBQ chips?"
- "Can you make me 2 sandwiches with cheese?"

300 calories over maintenance calories. Also; determination to diet -- gone.
6 years

No discipline is such a beautiful thing


My wife used to have much stronger will power....but now she doesn’t 😜 and I find that so sexy!

She will try eating less before we go on a vacation or before an event she has to be in a dress for....and it typically lasts 2 days and then she is logging out more than before......and piling on some extra Lbs.
6 years

No discipline is such a beautiful thing

She's been on her version of a diet again, since hitting 210+. Her new ceiling is 210-215: then she gets nervous. But the amounts of food she stows away in the evening after a day of starving ensure she won't lose.

It's a full year now that I'm training her to know I like her fat. There's more and more giving in and accepting this new phase in her life, but these pushback moments happen sometimes too. That's OK: we work hard in between to make sure that when she diets, even if she loses weight, she's still overweight.

She's pretty much at the level of reluctant participant now: sometimes she would magically want to be thin, but she doesn't want to live to be thin. That I like her fat makes it easier for her to give in
6 years

No discipline is such a beautiful thing

My wife tries to show some control but once the evening arrives and it's her Netflix time - it's on like Donkey Kong. Like a switch turns on – this is "her time", all rules and control go out the window. I love to put my arm around her belly once in bed because it's a giant inflated rock she's so stuffed. Then you feel it in the morning and it's all squishy - you know all of those calories went to the right places!
6 years