Fat experiences

First fat person you were attracted to?

One of two people.

First was a girl in middle school who looked like what a 350lb adult would weigh.

The other was a girl in highschool who weighed 200 lbs, but never upgraded her wardrobe past 150lbs.
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

A custodian at my job from a long time ago. His name was Hector. I didn’t yet accept being gay, nor was I attracted to fat guys. But this guy did it for me. Whenever I saw him or thought about him I fantasized being with him, and had to run off somewhere to “relieve” myself. Woof! He was hot!

Uh... brb... smiley
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

I knew I liked fat girls prior to this but this was the first specific one:

There was a somewhat thin girl that moved into my neighborhood. She was around 120 lbs at the time. She loved eating. She was eating almost all the time. Over the next few months she started to put on increasing amounts of weight. When she was about 160 lbs, she confided in me that she was worried about her weight gain and that her metabolism was slowing down. A few more months later she was about 200 lbs and she asked me if she should just give in and become a plus-sized model. She was worried that no one would think that she was pretty anymore. I told her to do what she thought was right for her. She lost the weight, then moved away, and I never saw her again.

Worst advice I've ever given. If I'd only had the confidence that I have now, I would've told her that she should love her body and should never worry about what others think. I wish I would've told her that I loved her body just the way it was.
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

If I'd only had the confidence that I have now, I would've told her that she should love her body and should never worry about what others think. I wish I would've told her that I loved her body just the way it was.

We learn from our mistakes... If it happens to you again, your will know what you will have to say... lol
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

A very fat short teacher in high school I could not keep my eyes off her
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

When I was in high school I met this beautiful girl who was just stunning she had long blonde hair, the cutest face ever, she was a short girl she had really thick thighs she had a nice soft looking belly, big breasted, she was just so sexy but she didn’t think very highly of herself she didn’t think that she was beautiful and sadly kept trying to change herself.
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

First that really stuck out to me was a girl that worked at my company. She was 225'ish when she started her position. Blonde hair, porcelain skin. Super shy. Her younger brunette sister also worked at the company and she was a tanned 100lb fitness-freak, looked like a model. Everyone regarded her as the "hottest" girl in the company. She was really outgoing. But the oldest continued to gain and is over 275lbs now. I just became awestruck with her appearance. She has a massive triple roll belly that jiggles around. She also endlessly eats all day at her cube. She's so shy and comes off as very insecure which is a shame. She's so much more attractive than her younger sister - but I doubt she believes that.
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

It was a girl who became my 1st gf. She was short, about 5' and 200lbs when we were 15. She came bouncing up to me in a grocery store. I can still remember the "bounce" nearly 20years on!
6 years

First fat person you were attracted to?

In high school dated a girl who was considered to be over weight I did not think she was until friends began to point it out but I stilled dated her and never dated a thin girl
5 years