Fattening others

Wife has gained 30 pounds but..

Adamspet piggy:
Easier said then done. When I first started packing on the pounds I tried everything. Diet, exercise, fad diets. Nothing was working. Maybe loose 5 or 8 pounds then stopped only to regain 10-12 pounds. It�s not easy to lose it especially when you get older. I�m over 100 pounds heavier then when I met my man. I�ve been trying to lose weight but I�m up and down the same 10-12 pounds and I�m miserable dieting. It�s easier to give up and just let the weight go where it may. Bottom line is just cause we say we want to lose weight doesn�t mean we will or can.

I appr coats this input. My wife is trying to lose weight and has succeeded some. I am certainly hoping after she eases up her weight will come back quickly and possibly more. She is so much happier when she is just eating what she wants and isn’t as stressed out about everything.....much better to be around when she is not dieting......and believe me she looks incredible at the weight she was at.
6 years

Wife has gained 30 pounds but..

I read the chance of someone losing all the weight and keeping it off is 1 in 177. The chance of her yoyo dieting and becoming larger than she is now is much greater. The main problem is dealing with someone who does not like what they look like.
6 years

Wife has gained 30 pounds but..

My wife goes in cycles as well. It's amazing how much is tied to your perception of yourself based on others remarks to you. All it takes is one or two negative comments from acquaintances and it can throw my wife into a 'I need to lose this weight' panic.

Yet, vice-versa is also true. My wife has been gaining but getting more positive comments lately; she had no problem rocking a bikini at her heaviest weight ever this month. But I remember 50lbs ago when she declared that she would never wear a bikini at her weight.

Because of her currently positive self-image, she even made a remark that she's been "losing weight" and that her "tummy is flatter, looking so much better". But it's actually because she's gaining and her abdomen/FUPA and hips have grown in proportions that make her belly look flatter now. Either way, it's telling how your preconceived notions about yourself can override what you're physically seeing in the mirror. And those notions can change with whatever feelings/anxiety may arrive that day.

I always support her in her weight loss efforts - because both of us know she'll arrive at a crossroads and remember what she loves in life - wings, beer and tasty Netflix sessions much more than looking slim to impress people she doesn't even care about.
6 years

Wife has gained 30 pounds but..

Thanks for loving the curves but also supporting the decision to lose weight. The men on this forum have kept it solid.
6 years

Wife has gained 30 pounds but..

My partner lost about 40lbs from a weight of 266lbs so she could look good just for our summer vacation this last August, it took her about 3 months but as it was just for the holiday only she has gone back to her old eating habits. She hates all the dieting foods and always gets to that cross roads of yearning for all the foods she misses versus the desire to be slimmer, so now I am loving watching her slowly gain to her old weight and her enjoying her food again. I hope this period of her gaining will continue for a while whilst we enjoy the effects on her soft curves.
6 years

Wife has gained 30 pounds but..

Only once in her life has she *really* lost weight -- and about half of that is already back on ever since she started to eat normal again.

I make the diet meals, buy the low calorie stuff, get her meal replacements -- I support her all the way. But I refuse to play food-cop. So when (not if......) she asks for cake, ice cream, chips, you better believe it's already in the house waiting for her.

End of June she was 215 and got scared. Went on a diet. Went all the way down to 206. Today she's 212.8 lbs.

I've come to find the diet periods kind of exciting because I can see the whole falling apart of the self-discipline again, and can see the weight go up again.
6 years