Fat experiences

Heavy cream

Is it just me, or has anyone noticed how soft your skin becomes, after drinking heavy cream? I love the softness and the extra blobber.
6 years

Heavy cream

Have you developed cellulite on your butt yet, what about stretch marks?

I have both, but I'm really wanting more stretch marks.
6 years

Heavy cream

I tried it for a few days one week. then stopped. . I didn’t notice much... but for the next 2 weeks I got really soft and big! I couldn’t stop it till it just ramped down on its own... crazy.. it’s like magic, but be carful what you wish for.
6 years

Heavy cream

I bet so! I did HC for a while early this year, not that much, but it did wonders on my belly. I can only imagine how it'll catch up with you in a few weeks lol

I've been sipping on half and half through out the day recently, my body eventually rejected HC (earlyer this year). I may try it again sometime soon. I LOVED how bloated it made me!

How much did you gain while drinking cream?
6 years

Heavy cream

It takes getting used to as far as the amount you drink.
If you cook and use milk to cook with just use the heavy cream instead.
If I do heavy cream I just drink it straight like a glass of milk. I will do that two or three times a day.
If I do that for a month or so everyday I will gain 5 or 10 lbs initially but the delay creeps up and with in the next month it ends up being 20 to 25 lbs
6 years

Heavy cream

My girlfriend is going to KILLLL ME

As opposed to tying you to a chair and putting a funnel in your mouth? ;-)
6 years

Heavy cream

Wow, how do you see this ending up? Does not sound like happiness is a long term prospect.
6 years

Heavy cream

Well, good luck!
6 years

Heavy cream

Im addicted af to heavy cream i have to take a break cause my skin will rip to shreds and ill be too fat to function lmao. I havent stopped drinking it but once i do it going to be a rediculous gain tbh

I mean if you say you don't want stretch marks you should stop gaining for a while till your skin expands. I looked on google scholar and I found some studies which may help you not get stretch marks.

Effect of vitamin C and its derivatives on collagen synthesis and cross‐linking by normal human fibroblasts

Creams for preventing stretch marks in pregnancy

Role of vitamins in skin care

I would recommend consuming more vitamins A and C. Supplements would be an easy way to do this.

Thank you so much for posting this information. I already had stretch marks from gaining many years ago. I wanted to gain again, but did not want to get additional stretch marks. These vitamins worked wonders!

This was my first time gaining weight with heavy whipping cream. I started at 237 and, after 4 weeks, ballooned up to 264 pounds for a 27 pound gain. Not a single stretch mark!

I took a one-week break and went on a diet to fool my body into thinking that I was starving. Now I'm into my second cycle of heavy whipping cream. I have increased my consumption from 2 pints per day to 3 pints per day. I'm hoping to gain over 30 pounds during this cycle.

If all goes smoothly, I should be close to 300 pounds by the end of this cycle. Thanks to those vitamins, I'm pretty sure that I'll pull it off without adding a single stretch mark.
4 years