It is by far the best way to gain if you keep it up. Trying to eat a bunch of junk food just doesn't stick with you, heavy cream does. I eat a lot because I love food and do deal with compulsive over eating disorder sometimes and eat for no reason other than it looks good and I want it. I have added heavy cream right before bed and maybe do that for a month or so if I want to gain a few lbs. The thing is its never just a few lbs because of the delay factor and it ends up being 20 lbs or more LOL
Joshredzippo: Are you mixing chocolate syrup with the cream? Or just straight? Make sure you have carbs in your belly before you drink the cream. You might need to drink more
Yes, chocolate syrup. I’m pretty full when I drink it
doctor1313: Yes, chocolate syrup. I�m pretty full when I drink it
HammerTime44: Drink it right before bed and take a lactase pill before. Be careful man it's sneaky and after two weeks it really Coke quick.. modesty![/quote]
It may raise your cholesterol temporarily, but you may have noticed that the latest major study showed no connection between cholesterol levels and heart disease.