
Heavy cream is very sneaky

Has anyone else experienced significant changes in cholesterol due to heavy cream?

This summer in late May I drank about 1-2 cups a day for 10 days. I then took some time off cuz I was freaking out. My body was getting squishy. I dunno, I guess I didn't expect fat to feel that way! I've always been thin and athletic. So I switched to eating a lot of ice cream all summer due to having my wisdom teeth taken out, but wasn't eating the ice cream in hopes of gaining, just to survive

Later, in early July I had routine bloodwork done. Every year my "bad" LDL has been about 80 but this time it shot up to 100. Meanwhile, my "good" HDL has always been about 50 but dropped to 35

Anyone else notice changes in their bloodwork due to cream?

I recently started cream again about 5 days ago and am kind of freaking out. I barely checked my lab results today and am scared to do more damage

I mean, it makes sense. Things wit high fat content can screw with your chloresteral pretty bad (like cream, milk, etc.)

You could try eating oatmeal, avacados, etc. to kind of help bring it down a bit and maybe lay off cream? If you're scared for your health don't feel bad about backing off something.

Good luck!
6 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

1 week down. The two days off did the most damage to my waist line. Belly sticks out further and weight gain is only 2 lbs. I know the real gain happens after a week or two! 232 lbs and 2 in gain so far.
6 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I used to do the heavy cream thing. But then my heart nearly exploded, so I stopped.

Some people won't have this problem, in which case, have fun with it.

Could you go into more detail? Was this something that put you in a hospital?
6 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Does anyone know a good inexpensive milkshake recipe that could contain a whole quart of heavy cream?
6 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

Does anyone know a good inexpensive milkshake recipe that could contain a whole quart of heavy cream?

Just add to your quart of cream a couple shots of some flavoring syrup like grenadine or torani. Then add one or two teaspoons of vanilla or almond extract.

I haven't been able to do this lately myself. It's quite good though.
6 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I have been out of the gaining scene for around 5 years now. I originally gained from around 160 to 190lb and in the end was using heavy cream. In recent years, I was conflicted and wanted to maintain a healthy BMI. In the past when i had gained 10lb or so my metabolism would easily snap back and the weight would come off frustratingly easy. I feel ever since I gained with cream I have stayed softer and cannot drop below 175ish lb with my normal exercise and eating healthier. I have never been able to return to the 160lb I was.

So now, sitting at 182lb I have the desire to gain again. I know the weight will pile on with cream now as I already gain weight very slowly with my normal routine lately. Tonight I will be starting to drink a pint of cream each night with some lactase as I have not tried that before. Wish me luck smiley
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

About a month ago I was one of those people who said they’d start & then disappeared lol. But I had to make sure I could keep on the dl.
I got 2 qts, but its gonna half to be gone in 2 days cause I cant put it in the fridge
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

why are these threads always full of people saying "hey i will try it out now FOR REAL" .. "hey i just did it for 3-5 days".. and you never hear from them again smiley anyone with long time experience?

I was one of those people did not gain any weight my first try with cream got disappointed and deleted my acc
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

why are these threads always full of people saying "hey i will try it out now FOR REAL" .. "hey i just did it for 3-5 days".. and you never hear from them again smiley anyone with long time experience?

I go on and off again for two weeks or so at a time. I mostly go on and off because heavy cream costs money and I don't always have that.

But yeah like other people are saying if you do it consistantly you shoot up. I shot up 10 pounds in about 2 months drinking a mix of milk, hc, and creamer for two weeks on, two weeks off. *shrugs*
4 years

Heavy cream is very sneaky

I can vouch for the Walmart price of a little under $4 for a quart of heavy cream.

And took a video drinking it all in about 5 minutes last night smiley
4 years
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