
Autistic folk

Look in the archives. There was a thread on this a while ago/..
6 years

Autistic folk

I admit that I am to some degree with many minor things mixed together. I have learned how to work through most of it and doing so while remaining off the meds for over a decade and a half.
6 years

Autistic folk

I was diagnosed with Aspergers at the age of 8 and I've been in special education most of my school life.

It has had an impact on my social skills.
6 years

Autistic folk

I also have Aspergers. Unfortunately it wasn't diagnosed until I was in college. A lot of time was wasted.
6 years

Autistic folk

I do. I was diagnosed at 5.

Although I’ve done a lot better than most expected me to, it’s be a fucking drag most of the time.
5 years

Autistic folk

I also have Aspergers. Unfortunately it wasn't diagnosed until I was in college. A lot of time was wasted.

I can relate.....cheers.
5 years

Autistic folk

I'm Autistic. I've always wondered if that came into play with my fat fetish.
5 years

Autistic folk

I took this Arse Burgers test and got 25 which is boarderline. I did lie on a couple of questions to keep from going full autist. It's pretty obvious what answers get a higher score.
5 years

Autistic folk

I have Aspergers Syndrome (so am on the autistic spectrum).
5 years

Autistic folk

I have asperger’s as well. I’ve done research of it and I have some books about it, and due to the research I’ve done of it as well as strategies for day to day life it doesn’t effect me as much, like my social anxiety. Although it’s still there for sure.
5 years
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