Fat experiences

It gets boring

My own feeling is gaining weight is a personal decision first. If it's something you really want, you have to go for it. Quite honestly if someone is waiting to meet that special feeder, they're wasting valuable gaining time. The chances, especially for a guy of hooking up with someone are slim.(pardon the pun.) For the original poster I say gain the weight. It can only improve you're chances of meeting a FFA if you've fattened yourself up.
6 years

It gets boring

I think part of the issue is that some people (like you, like me) would enjoy more social support around it, but some people have this really as more purely a sexual kink and really aren't so interested in non sexual interactions about it.

That latter pool not only reduces the pool really interested in socializing, but can also poison the well a bit, because if you have an event and some of both groups show up, odds are high that neither goes away happy.
6 years

It gets boring

Like most things in life, it becomes quite empty if you're not sharing it with another human being in real life. I've never quite gotten the "online encouragement" thing or girls sitting behind their computers alone peddling for food purchases from their Amazon wish list.

The greatest part of food, cooking, feeding and gaining in general is the community and connection it inherently creates between real partners, in real life having a real moment together.
6 years

It gets boring

I understand. I have always been naturally attracted to chubby and fat women but since I have gained and gotten fat myself, I wish I had a close male friend I could share it with. Going out to eat and stuff ourselves together would be really fun and talking about how much we love to gain and grow fat would also be enjoyable. Being able to talk about what we like about fat women would also be a plus. Just sharing my passion for all things fat with a woman or man who also loves it would be great.
6 years

It gets boring

As a different take on this, I feel like people on this site don't want to look at my pictures when I'm starting a gain because I am too skinny for anyone to be interested. I can't help that unfortunately. I understand I have what is probably the least desirable kind of body for people on here and I don't like it either. But I've got what I've got and am doing my best to gain weight but seems people don't want to see it.

Oh well. Probably take my pics off this site but just talk about it instead.

Don't be so hard on yourself. A lot of us have been there. You pics can be nice to show others how they too can get fat.
5 years