Extreme obesity

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

250 pounds. Also, I'm the fattest guy she's ever been with. We're getting married.
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

167 kilo
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

She was about 5’-1” and close to 325lbs. Huge belly & ass! She was a lot of fun!
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

Since posting in this topic my girl is now weighing in at 334 lbs. smiley Back then she was working in retail, and now she doesn't have a job but she takes online courses so she doesn't do any physical labor, she just sits on her butt all day.
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

460 pounds. She was absolutely gorgeous. Shame we went down separate paths
5 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

26 years old and 780 pounds
4 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

Ky Belly Boy:
26 years old and 780 pounds

Yeah right
4 years

What is the heaviest girl that you have ever dated?

Dated a 330 pound girl and it was just super !
4 years
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