
Making money from your uploads - trial

Still looking for more people interested in earning commission on the Fantasy Feeder uploads.

You can earn commission by uploading pics, videos and stories with a Fantasy Feeder Earnings Account. It's free to use and there's no obligation. You can upload or remove content whenever you like without it affecting any commission you may have earnt and you retain all of your copyright.

You can find out more about the scheme at or better still, chat to one of our members who's already started earning.

If you think you might be interested, you can message me or use the Contact Us page at
6 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

I really want to start modeling my Fit to Fat journey. but i have 0 Idea how to or where to?

You can see more about it here:

Or email us about it at smiley
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

That commission page displays nothing.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

Apologies, this has now been fixed.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

Lol, no we're not mean like that, but obviously the more people who upgade to watch your videos the more money you'll make.

Some male videos can be very popular, it just depends on the subject matter and quality of your video.

If you can create well-lit, high-definition videos this will help. Think of an interesting subject matter and position yourself centrally on the screen. Holding your phone horizontally to avoid getting the black borders.

It's not difficult to do and if you fancy having a go just message me here or via the contact us page.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

Thanks for bringing this up. I've delayed making this free for the time being. I thought it better to build up a large store of premium content first, to make the upgrades the best value possible for members. It also gives you and other content providers the chance to get more return from your uploads. Not sure when the conversion to free will take place yet, maybe after 6 months in the initial instance. I'll see how it goes.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

This is an interesting metric, esp since I'd imagine people coming to view photos/videos is a majority of the site traffic. I've been on/off FF ever since FatNats went away... I don't have any problem with a Premium feature being implemented, and reckon it will help FF, and some members in the process as well. A lot of sites, and even software apps for the matter, have premium/subscription only areas, so I really feel a premium only content section would work great here as well. I do understand what StarSmoke is saying. That is what makes this metric interesting, is that it isn't so much a traffic payout, but more of a referral kind of type of thing.

I do feel that keeping Premium only content, premium, for longer then 3 months is a good move for both FF and the members that contributed said content. Perhaps instead of content automatically becoming non-premium, it can be up to the uploader to choose. Would give incentive for people who payed for premium, to keep their subscription going, and def feel it would give new people great incentive to sign up. Would also give uploader more oppty to gain 'referrals'.

Glad you are trying new things for FF, and hope it'll work out to better FF. Just my .02
Always glad to have FF, much thanks ^_^
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

Bumping up for people.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

If you'd like to make some money on your uploads of pics, videos or stories please let me know.

Many premium content uploaders are enjoying great success with regular monthly payments and having fun creating and uploading content for members to enjoy.

If you'd like to be part of this and get some reward for your efforts or just find out more, you can message me here or via the contact us page. It's free to use and there's no committment. You can also carry on using the website in the normal way, uploading free or premium content as you wish.
5 years

Making money from your uploads - trial

Yes, you may protect the copyright of your pics or videos with a watermark, so long as it's not advertising a paysite (for example watermarking with the domain name of a paysite wouldn't be allowed).
5 years
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