Fat experiences

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

Have you reached the point where you personally don't know anyone who's fatter than you are?
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

Have a LOOOOONG way for that to happen but I am now the fattest out of my friends
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

De mis conocidos definitivamente sí.
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

Like the front page says on this site - I'm usually the biggest, fattest person in the room. It's very rare that I meet someone that's fatter than me.
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

Among my friends, absolutely! None of them even come close. Among family... one of my aunts and one of my uncles are also quite fat, I don't know exactly how much they weigh though.
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

I am the fattest among my freinds and family. But one of my buddies had a buddy who is bigger than me but in every way he is taller and fatter.
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

Of my friends I am by far the fattest. However in my family, I am the smallest. For reference, I'm now about 285
6 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

I come from a fairly fat family, and my best friends are also really fat, but the fattest person I know is around 520.
5 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

I used to be until I met my girlfriend's college friend who is at least 150 pounds heavier than I am. I think I'm about as big as her husband.
5 years

Are you the fattest person you personally know?

For my friends, I'm probably the fattest woman they saw with + 540lbs. But I'm not the fattest person I know, my aunt came to weigh 741 lbs. I was not motionless, I could take a few steps. She really enjoyed being fat, but due to health problems caused by obesity, she underwent surgery to lose weight. He died due to cardiac problems entering old age. Today is my inspiration, I want to be equal or fatter than her.
5 years
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