Extreme obesity

What's your favorite part of being obese?

My favorite part is all the sudden realizations that you get as you get bigger.
Like realizing you can no longer buy clothes from any were but a xl store. Or when you go to tie a pair of shoes you haven't worn in a while and you cant or it's just such a struggle you choose against it. Or when I realized I just cant get into a compact car any more. When you cant walk as far or climb into things you used to be able to. Or when I started breaking chairs and furniture because most things just arnt set up to hold my girth. I just love watching my mobility slowly drifting away from me. One milestone at a time! What's your favorite part?
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

I like seeing and feeling my belly and butt grow. I like feeling clothes get tighter, especially as I stuff myself. Stretch marks. Getting breasts and having them grow. Eventually I want to get big enough to fill up at least a C or D cup bra. I want to burst out of clothes from stuffing myself.
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

I love outgrowing things. Being too big for things. My whole wardrobe has completely changed in the last 2 years. I still have some tight clothes so I can wear them and walk about feeling 50 lbs fatter lol.
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

I love just grazing the sides of my body in tight places. You ever just try to do your job but are constantly reminded of how obese you are? It's like that,
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

The fattest part of my body is the back and legs, I have a pear shape.
Feeling how the fat in my ass shakes is what I like the most about being obese, also feeling how my buttocks overflow the side of the chair
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

There's a lot to enjoy about being supah fat smiley

I love how much room I take up when I sit down, particularly on a bench.

Some stuckage stuff is more fun that I had imagined.

The feeling of my blubber jiggling or wagging when I walk.

Just the feeling of gravity - feeling how my body presses down when I lie down. Also, how soft I am. smiley)
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

That my belly and moobs hang out and jiggle all the time. Also to eat a lot of food and feel so full that you feel your belly will pop . Rub and enjoy your own fat is so good🙌🏽
5 years

What's your favorite part of being obese?

I haven't gotten to obesity yet, but I would love to see how huge around my pants are and think about how fat I am to have my pants be so huge to fit my fat ass in them
5 years