Story authors

Constructive criticism, comments, etc.

I was wondering how people feel about comments on their posted stories. Do you like to see people comment? Do you like constructive criticism and general feedback?

Also, Does anyone know if there is a character limit for comments on stories?

As always, I'd like to thank everyone for sharing their writing!
5 years

Constructive criticism, comments, etc.

Yes, I like comments on my stories, especially if there are questions about the characters themselves, because then I know what info might be missing from the story and I can then either answer it or edit that info into the story.

There is a very hard character limit on comments, and the software doesn't warn you, it will just chop off the ending if it's too long. You'll have to experiment with it. If you post a comment longer than a short sentence or two, I recommend writing it in another software first, or at least copy it to the clipboard first, so if it'll get cropped you can then split it into two comments and post them separately.
5 years