Extreme obesity

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Cool story bro, pics or never happened
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

How did you deal with waste products?
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

On the bright side, you have the fat cells for 450 lbs. It will be easy to gain it ALL back.
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Dream come true for me

Just Do It (TM)
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Did you give feedees appetite stimulants or other meds to help increase appetite?

My fantasy would be that a female (secret feeder at first) would secrectly give me appetite stimulants so that I would be hungry all the time.

I would start to eat all the time and gain weight.

She would give me other drugs that I would be gaining weight faster, not care about it because hunger and desire.

She would try out tube feeding or nose tube with a feeding pump while restraint me in to the bed.

After a while I would be drugged eating machine that would just eat, sleep, have sex and grow.
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Some people hate this thread and find it despicable. Some like myself find it totally desirable and erotic.
I kinda find it sexy, as long as I get to try with you Growing concern
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Reading the original post and the replies to the Qs @ As is incredible and something that really excites me
5 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

I have been fortunate enough to help 3, people so far reach their goal of immobility. 2 of my feedees decided to move into nursing homes after becoming immobile. And the other feedee I fed until the day he died. Let the questions begin.

Whoah. So you've really gone all the way to the farthest extent of this kink then?
How old were these three feedees when you started (and ended) your relationships with them? They must have given up so much to chase their dream, I was wondering how long it took them to decide that immobility was important enough to their happiness to make those sacrifices worth it?

Also, were all three men? Would you feel the same way if your next feedee was a woman - would you still want to have a sexual relationship with them?

You seem to have an astonishing capacity to care for people mixed with your deathfeedist desires, and there seems to be a strong streak of abdl 'mommy' in you as well. Is encouraging your feedees to behave like babies also something you get off to?
4 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

In my experience, the best way to go is keep them fed and happy. Let them dictate what they want. Never say no to anything, even funnel feeding.

With proper care, I have had an immobile feedee comfortable happy and eating for about 4 years on average before health problems catch up. Always let the feedee dictate what he wants. That’s the best way.
4 years

Caring for the immobile death feedee

Yes I enjoy my feedees being helpless. I like putting them in diapers and freeing them from the need to reach a toilet. I enjoy bottle feeding them weight gain shake and encouraging them to have 3rds or 4ths at meal time.
4 years
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