Fat experiences

How big is your belly ?

5 years

How big is your belly ?

FA guy:
I got 68%.

I got also 68%: Wooah! Your belly is huge! You struggle to get around from place to place, and often have to stop to catch your breath. Slight chance of death...
5 years

How big is your belly ?

5 years

How big is your belly ?

I really don't get how describing the size of someone's belly as a percentage says anything useful.
5 years

How big is your belly ?

56 % Fat.

You are above average. Depending on your age, this could be serious. Your big belly is hanging over your tight belt. Boobs are much bigger than average.
5 years

How big is your belly ?

5 years

How big is your belly ?

Just pushing past a 52 inch belly
5 years

How big is your belly ?

Last measured at 56”
5 years

How big is your belly ?

35% and 45 inches smiley
5 years

How big is your belly ?

3 years ago I got 77%

Today I got 65%

But we weren't really claiming science on this one anyway, right?? lol smiley
5 years