
What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

Currently I am 20 stone (280lbs). I've been slowly gaining for years but I was about 16 stone (224lbs) in April 2017 and have ballooned since then. My point is, although I was overweight and had a relatively big belly at that point, I still wasn't happy with myself (much like a person who is chubby and wants to be skinny). I didn't want to get bigger, I NEEDED to get bigger. And I did. The bigger I got, the happier I got. My clothes got tighter, I moved from a XL to a 2XL and now borderline 3XL. I was a 36 inch waist, I moved to a 38 now I'm a 40. Although I was gaining a lot and my belly was very noticeably big, I still wasn't happy. I just wasn't fat enough. My weight gain has slowed these last few months and I've had time to adjust to my size. It's helped me get used to being more confident around family. I think I am finally happy with the size I am. This doesn't mean I'm not going to get any fatter though! I am most certainly going to try, but, my point is, if for any reason I don't get any fatter, I'm happy at my size.

My question for you guys is, what size/weight were you finally happy with yourself???
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I look at myself in the mirror and see a skinny person with a bit of fat on them. I want to able to look in the mirror and say "that's a fat person." I want people to be looking at me out of the corners of their eyes and be thinking exactly that. Right now I can walk down the street and I guarantee that no one will bat an eye, I just look normal, unremarkable.
When I'm definitively a Fat Person, then I think I'll be happy with how I look.
I imagine I'll get there around 275lb (180 currently), based on pics of people at that weight. But why would I stop there?

I don't get many looks at my size. I am 6 foot 2 though and whatever way my body works, I hide the fat well with clothes on which I hate. It's that reason that makes me want to be bigger so I can get those looks. Tighter clothes I think would help for that. I don't know how I could stop gaining. My appetite is huge now and I'd eat around 5000 calories easily in a day. I eat fast food almost every day because I am (happily) addicted. I couldn't stop if I wanted and it's the best feeling ever
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I’m becoming happier as I’m passing 230 lbs, on my way to 235. Then possibly 245-250.

My pants are 42s and becoming snug, my shirts are filling out.

I’m really liking what I’m seeing.
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I�m becoming happier as I�m passing 230 lbs, on my way to 235. Then possibly 245-250.

My pants are 42s and becoming snug, my shirts are filling out.

I�m really liking what I�m seeing.

You look a lot faster than 230! I don't even think I look that big. That's one of the few downsides of being over 6 foot!
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I�m becoming happier as I�m passing 230 lbs, on my way to 235. Then possibly 245-250.

My pants are 42s and becoming snug, my shirts are filling out.

I�m really liking what I�m seeing.

You look a lot faster than 230! I don't even think I look that big. That's one of the few downsides of being over 6 foot!

Thank you! 😁 I’m 5’6”, so I have that short stocky build. My belly is just about 50”.
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I haven't gotten to my happy weight yet. At my biggest I was 275 and loving not only how much I could eat, but the frequency that I could eat it. I had stretched my stomach and increased my appetite to eat huge meals every 2 hours. Based on how my fat was distributing itself, I would've had nice, hanging apron below a big double belly. My goal was around 400-425 lbs. But, high cholesterol and pre-type 2 diabetes forced me to drop back to 185. Once my cholesterol and blood sugar get figured out, I plan to gain again!!!

I suggest you try to gain less visceral fat next time around so you don't develop metabolic syndrome again.

How would one do this?
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

When I started to gain I was really happy when I lost any vestige of skinniness and I was now obviously over weight with a nice paunch hanging over my waistband and the start of real moobs showing through my shirt. But I still realised that I would need the be much fatter to be anywhere near the shape I wanted to be.

When I reached 280 -300 pounds and was definitely morbidly obese I knew I had reached an important milestone and I was thrilled to have done so. I like the way I looked and felt it was how I had always wanted to be.

Since then I have put on another 80 plus pounds which is even better. I have a physique that does not go unnoticed wherever I am. I can sense the disapproving looks which gives me a real frisson. It is what a gainer really wants.

I am certain I will put on more weight and, judging by my experience so far, I will feel even happier than I am now.
5 years

What weight did you guys finally feel happy with your body?

I'm at 220 to 225 lbs. right now, which I'm really enjoying. I have a forty six inch waist and a forty four inch butt/bottom. I wear a size thirty eight pants/jeans. I have been as high as 232, which was good, but I could really feel the extra weight in daily activities, 220-225 seems to work. I can feel fat enough, yet not compromise any activities. I'm 5'11" tall.
5 years