
How do i tell my girlfriend that i want her to be my feedee.

If you really want her, fat or thin, I would tread very carefully. Remember that most people do not want to be fat. Sometimes it is hard to remember that after being part of this community for so long.
5 years

How do i tell my girlfriend that i want her to be my feedee.

before telling someone about this preference, it's a good thing to remember that the only knowledge most people have about fat people is 'My 600 pound life' and the feeder shock doc. Unless they're very open minded, it might be a good idea to gouge their opinion on the matter first before things blow up.

And all things considered, if she decides not to be a feedee or doesn't want to be one, you'll have to decide if you can live with that or not. It's one of the drawbacks this fetish has: not many people are really into it.
5 years

How do i tell my girlfriend that i want her to be my feedee.

It’s great to be up front and honest.....but possibly coming out so direct may or may not be the right approach.

You can start encouraging her in a lovely way to eat more with your dinners out and order desserts for her.
Make sure she is properly given any of her favorite deserts and snacks....while communicating that you like her figure and whole appearance with any of the gains she has had going on. Discuss in mild terms your liking of the fuller figure especially when it relates to her. If she brings up more questions about your liking of Fat....the be sincere and honest but don’t go over board. Hopefully this is a more natural milder progression with getting it across to her with out telling her everything right off the bat.
5 years

How do i tell my girlfriend that i want her to be my feedee.

This! You�re much more likely to scare her off if you tell her about any of this stuff the way that we talk on here about it.

Plus, it�s likely that she�ll feel that she�s not good enough because she�s not fat enough, much like a chubby girl might feel that she�s not good enough because she�s not skinny enough for other people. I often feel that way when people talk about how much better I�d look if I were much bigger, it�s like �ok no shit I�m trying, but why can�t you love me like I am now?�

This makes so much you guys really need to listen to the women feeling like this either way. Us guys don’t really understand that for some reason.....but this should definitely shed light.

So instead of scaring her or turning her off I would suggest just feeding her like you would a feedee, without telling her that she�s a feedee haha.[/quote]

So true.....someone not aware of this boards or terminology will not even know what a feeder when we discuss in our everyday lives and not on this board or any other.....reference should t even have a term. This is exactly true.....have her eat out with you and enjoy over eating and eventually she will always want more food and need more food to be satisfied and she will actually crave more fattening food. Once she starts to gain and can’t fit into her clothes reassure her that she looks better than ever and you don’t think it is even noticeable.....and if it becomes noticeable it only makes her more Beautiful.

Bottom line take all advice from the women on this board because they know what to tell you.....and of course they are the superior species with their thoughts and emotions compared to us guys....for damn sure!
5 years