
Any product to increase appetite?

My gf and I are looking for products that increase appetite. We tried different things such as shakes but it didn't work and we're kind of desperate. Any products we could order online or find in drugstores? Maybe pills or sirups?
Thanks for your help !
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

My gf and I are looking for products that increase appetite. We tried different things such as shakes but it didn't work and we're kind of desperate. Any products we could order online or find in drugstores? Maybe pills or sirups?
Thanks for your help !

Cyproheptidine. Available as a product called Apetamin/Tres Orix Forte and the antihistamine medication Periactin.
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

Cyproheptidine. Available as a product called Apetamin/Tres Orix Forte and the antihistamine medication Periactin.

Unfortunately I can't find any of these and at the store they told me that they can't sell them in my country.

Do you guys know any other products?
Btw thanks for all your comments it's very helpful.
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

brewer's yeast works very well
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

Word of caution with all this, and I know everyone's gonna hate me for bring up health and all, but like, sometimes they can really screw with a person's insulin. So just, be careful and make sure you get your labs done regularly
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

Cyproheptidine. Available as a product called Apetamin/Tres Orix Forte and the antihistamine medication Periactin.

Unfortunately I can't find any of these and at the store they told me that they can't sell them in my country.

Do you guys know any other products?
Btw thanks for all your comments it's very helpful.
Diphenhydramine is virtually identical to Cyproheptidine – only difference is the half-life. What's Diphenhydramine? Good ol' Benadryl. Google "Benadryl" & "munchies" or "weight gain". Notorious.
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

Supplements are safer than government regulated medicine. Studies that deny this have been shown to be funded by interests sympathetic to the drug companies.

Joseph Mercola is a quack fraud. Supplements may also be safer than jumping out of third-floor windows, but that doesn’t make them effective. Actual medicine is bound to have a greater chance of unintended consequences simply as a result of its mechanism of action, or effectiveness.
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

"Actual medicine is bound to have a greater chance of unintended consequences simply as a result of its mechanism of action, or effectiveness. "

As with most things, this is not always true. There are supplements that work as well as, or better than the popular prescriptions, and supplements that have fewer side effects that them.

In some cases, the way they work may be similar, but the prescription is one of the active chemicals in the supplement, in higher concentration that present in the supplement. Sometimes the supplement will have fewer side effects due to it being a number of active ingredients in lower concentration as opposed to a single on in high concentration.

As with most things in life, it depends.
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

fatchance:As with most things, this is not always true. There are supplements that work as well as, or better than the popular prescriptions, and supplements that have fewer side effects that them.

For example?

In some cases, the way they work may be similar, but the prescription is one of the active chemicals in the supplement, in higher concentration that present in the supplement. Sometimes the supplement will have fewer side effects due to it being a number of active ingredients in lower concentration as opposed to a single on in high concentration.

As with most things in life, it depends.

So the supplement will have fewer side effects by containing more impurities and less of the actual medicine?

That is not a valid reason to choose a supplement over medicine.
5 years

Any product to increase appetite?

"So the supplement will have fewer side effects by containing more impurities and less of the actual medicine?"

Don't be intentionally dense.


Red Yeast Rice contains a number of similar chemicals that are known as plant stanols. Each of them separately has theraputic action in reducing cholesterol much like statins from the drug companies. Statins and stanols have side effects, and those side effects differ some between the individual chemicals.

The Red Yeast Rice, because it has a combination of active chemicals with slightly different active ingredients and slightly different side effects, may produce the same benefit to a given patient, yet not produce side effects for that patient that the drug company product of a single chemical at a much higher dose might.

This is an example of my point. Your description of this mixture of natural stanols as impurities is a wild misunderstanding of what I said.

The drug company statin is what it is. It is a single chemical because it is not purified from a plant but rather synthesized. It has to be completely predictable and if a combination of chemicals was used, each one has to be approved separately and in combination. This would be punitively expensive to get through the FDA approval process.

So the drug company product is a single active ingredient not because that is better, but because to do anything else would be economically impractical.
5 years
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