Fat experiences

Growing pains?

So I've just started gaining, I'm up a few pounds but not showing a lot on the scale. I am definitely getting bigger, I can feel it when I sit and when I try to squeeze through small spaces. Belly button stretching. I am experiencing a little Pang just to the left of my belly button and wondering if that's normal or if I may have hurt myself. Can anybody speak to this? What has your experience been?

For me. It’s just a dull pulling sensation. But for me it’s all around my belly button. Not just one side. As far as stretching skin? You will feel itchy.
5 years

Growing pains?

So I've just started gaining, I'm up a few pounds but not showing a lot on the scale. I am definitely getting bigger, I can feel it when I sit and when I try to squeeze through small spaces. Belly button stretching. I am experiencing a little Pang just to the left of my belly button and wondering if that's normal or if I may have hurt myself. Can anybody speak to this? What has your experience been?

My thoughts are thats normal, i mean i dont think you hurt yourself but i know when i first gained, i gained quickly and it seemed like things like that happened often. Now that ive been heavier for a year it doesnt happen. I think it comes with the gain
5 years