
Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

I agree that mindless snacking while idle is best. When I fattened my bf this is what got him gaining, without any effort. Slowly releasing yourself from guilt or portion control is the main thing.
7 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

I'm starting gaining, and can any of you give me tips to "rewire" my brain to make me eat more and just gain weight? And any other tips would be appreciated!

Have sex or masturbate during\after stuffing
7 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

Have a wide variety of food available, don't try and eat a huge amount of one thing unless you REALLY love it. I get bored with too much of the same food and want to stop eating it before I'm completely full. What really makes me want to stuff myself is having several different dishes to try.

Keep snacks by your computer and/or TV. Previous posters were so right, it's incredibly easy to plow through a family size bag of chips while watching a show or reading stuff online!
7 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

Have a wide variety of food available, don't try and eat a huge amount of one thing unless you REALLY love it.

Really good advice, especially if you are a bit of a foodie! It's healthier to get a wide cross section of foods, too.

I've posted this in other threads: The biggest gains I had were after my feeder forced me to stretch out my stomach. For over a month she made me eat meals that left me completely, totally, almost painfully stuffed. She pushed me past my limits at almost every meal! This had the effect of increasing my stomach size, and after that I was just naturally hungry pretty much all the time! It's hard work though, and tough to focus on it for such a long time.
7 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

I associate my gaining with all the good looking fat men I see and want to look like. Kind of like being in a fat guys’ club.
6 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

I'm starting gaining, and can any of you give me tips to "rewire" my brain to make me eat more and just gain weight? And any other tips would be appreciated!

Have sex or masturbate during\after stuffing

I should only masturbate if you're so full that you can't suck in or have trouble breathing. Only do it then and you will associate the pleasure with the other feeling. Any other highly pleasurable things, too- always wait until you're stuffed, and then reward yourself. Do this for a few months religiously and you'll have a strong association.

I like this, if I had someone to enforce it. Smile.
6 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

Also I would say is dont feel like you have to do it every single day. You want it to still be fun sondontnmake yourself miserable force feeding yourself until you feel bad. If you take a few days off and maybe just light snacks, no real meals, I guarantee you'll he starving in a day or two and will be able to really put it away
6 years

Tips to rewire my brain as a gainer

I always suggest do a routine of starve then binge in day while trying to get used to it worked with boyf and got my body used to eating
Started day with diet drinks then waited til like lunch mid afternoon then continued to eat til hurt and slept and would wake up to do more always pushed for max calories high fat sugar foods after a while my body needed that to get by now bout6-7 weeks in eating like24/7 give me message if want some help happy to help train your brain to liking being a fatty

That’s kind of what Sumo do, they skip breakfast then eat loads from lunchtime onwards. The lack of food in the morning tricks your body into overeating and storing the food as fat. It works well in reverse and a good breakfast can help people loose weight.
6 years