
My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

I enjoyed reading your view and share many of the same thoughts and reactions. I suppose that is why I am on both sites... have some good online conversations among many that disappear... and still searching for people near me that are into this stuff!
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

Feabie is full of drama queens and scammers.
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

Both sites are open to the public, and is probably all the same people. People are allowed to beg for money on Feabie, which I do not like (I'm here to make friends, not buy things). No, there should not be anyone age 14 on either site, as they are open only to those who are 18 or older. People are from all over the world on both sites.
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

I am on a few sites, but this place is where I spend the most time.
I just get the feeling that here is a more genuine place.
Feabe is ok I guess, but it's more like a twitter feed, people just post things to get attention and likes, I have never felt a connection with anybody on there (yet).
FF for sure seems to be more engaging, and more mature.
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

I went to feabie a week after it went online and it was like I went back to high school.
A lot of hate and jealousy and drama queens.
Guys who were soo arrogant it made me want to hurl.
I left not long after I joined.
Just a waste of time IMO.
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

Trying to be brief.

The first time I entered here was a 14-year-old teenager, anxious to understand about my peculiar sexual tastes.
Here I learned that there were more people like me, I learned a lot, I enjoyed every story, every debate and every video for a long time. In that sense I will never live a similar experience with as much enthusiasm as that time.
Then I was disillusioned, slowly, that almost nobody from my country and few members of my age existed, and that many people did not dare to show their face or have a will for a real relationship.
I left the site, about 6 years ago and I returned 3 years later but with less expectations.
That same year, Feabie appeared. What a revolution!
There you can not breathe that !clandestine" air.
With a more modern aesthetic (not necessarily better), more like a social network, people usually show their face and seek, more or less, to establish real relationships.
While the absolute majority is from the USA as well, I found people from other countries and finally from mine as well.
I was able, after many years, to have several relationships with consent feederism.
But the miracle of Feabie is not such.
Of those tens of thousands of members a small minority is really interested in feederism.
Of that minority, an infinitesimal minority are truly feedees girls, who enjoy the pleasure of fattening and being fat, because the majority who call themselves "feedees" are really fat girls who want to feel wanted. But at the first opportunity, they will lose weight.
The average age is lower. Of course! Some beautiful faces, but too many empty brains.
All the vices of my generation: Hypocrisy, frivolity, dictatorship of the politically correct, obsession with social networks and talking all the time about anything, except feederism.
I am grateful for the experiences I owe to Feabie, but I remember this old forum and this old video library and I can not help feeling that FF represents the true spirit of Feederism.
I would like to know your opinions.
Extra, a little joke on the average milennial Feabian girl:
Profile Description*


- I'm fat but I don�t want to get more fat

- I'm not talking about feederism with anyone who doesn�t know me

- I'm not interested in seeing pictures of bellies

- But don�t write to me if you don�t have a (atractive) profile picture

- I don�t answer short messages. Be creative

- But be moderate, the long texts bore me.

- I consider it sexist that you say me "pretty" or "sexy"

- But I will block you if you don�t make me feel special, beautiful and unique.

- I don�tanswer any questions in the first message

- Don�t write to me if you are over 30 years old
- Don�t write to me if you are under 25 years old

- I only talk with smart people

- But i don�t like sarcasm nor intellectual discourses

- Under no circumstances should you write to me if you live more than 15 miles from my house

- But if you ask me where I live will be accused of sexual harassment in the corresponding Courts

- I don�t like that you talk about food, but below you can see my Amazon Wishlist

- I don�t like fat guys, I'm sorry

- But I don�t like thin girls either, I'm sorry too

- Course, I am a tolerant feminist who respects diversity, fascist heteropatriarcal pieces of shit.


(Some months laters)



"There is no one interesting to talk about in this social network ...

nobody writes to me >,< "


*Any resemblance to reality is pure coincidence
Pd: Sorry for the bad english

Damn, that nailed it!
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

I am on a few sites, but this place is where I spend the most time.
I just get the feeling that here is a more genuine place.
Feabe is ok I guess, but it's more like a twitter feed, people just post things to get attention and likes, I have never felt a connection with anybody on there (yet).
FF for sure seems to be more engaging, and more mature.

Any post you make on there is going to be attacked if you�re a dude. And I�m not trying to sensationalize anything but the people there are just waiting for a chance to virtue signal and take others down

I found this as well. In fact, to the point what you DO post will be misinterpreted to what they say you REALLY meant ... even if that is something you neither thought or said.

An apology that you did not mean that at all, don't even believe it to be true, yet regret that it was taken that way will be met with even more abuse. I finally gave up.
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

The main 'global feed' on Feabie is just like a twitter for fatties. I hate twitter, it's just a load of attention seeking un-related 'shouts'.
The amount of 'I'm bored' posts I see on there, or other pointless entries, just makes me shake my head.
OK, you're bored, nobody cares.
6 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

Just had a quick look.
In the first 20 entries, I have all the exact examples of what makes the global feed there so 'meh'.

What’s ur favourite time of the day to cry??? Mines bedtime 💁🏻‍♀️
2 mins - Like - Comment
likes this.

I can either get my titties to look good in a nude, or my face, NEVER BOTH AND IT’S SO HEARTBREAKING
8 mins - Like - Comment.
Story of my life
8 mins - Like
Fucking same
6 mins - Like

Sorry for spamming I haven’t been on in a while and had to update my pics

Starving for affection

Jesus fucking christ.
Okay, real talk. If we've NEVER, EVER spoken before, don't ping me access to view my private photos. Stop being a thirsty asshole and actually WORK to get to that stage.
Four people have attempted to try and get into my private photos; all four denied.
5 years

My perspective. feabie vs. fantasy feeder

What I hate about Feabie is you can't delete your comments and if you do the Admins will message you about seriously??? to me that's the stupidest thing.
5 years
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