Story authors

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

1. Proper grammar.
2. Keep your sentences short and to the point.
3. Have a friend you trust read it and get feedback. By that I mean do they easily grasp what you're trying to say. Is every sentence understandable.
4. If writing does not come naturally, avoid the urge to add words as filler. You'll only get yourself bogged down and make the essay confusing.
5. Don't overthink it. Make notes beforehand on the theme and the points you are using to back it up. Stick to the outline when writing the essay.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

You may also wish to consider your audience. Are there any reasonable assumptions you can make about them? This would affect whether you can use certain acronyms, technical terms, and technical jargon.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

Like anything the best way to improve is practice and viable feedback.

When you read something typically you can feel the flow of what does and doesn't work if you come back to it fresh (reread after a week or two)

But also listen to the feedback others give. Don't be afraid to make mistakes, just attempt to do better the next time.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

Read everything you write out loud, if it doesn't feel right, fix it.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

If you are writing a persuasive article, or perhaps an opinon/editorial piece I was taught the following.

In your first paragraph, tell them what you are going to tell them. Make it short, leave out the explanation or detailed descriptions, but tell them what you plan to tell them.

in the main body, point by point, in a progressive (building) fashion, lead them from the facts to the conclusions in a logical fashion.

In your final paragraph, summarize what your told them in a clear direct way.

It was once described to me that writing a paper or speech was like driving a nail, hit it once softly to set the nail, hit again hard to drive it in, then hit once again just right to set it flush.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

Writing an essay is a completely different skill to creative writing.
In a scientific article or essay, especially if it is for an assignment or exam, you are not allowed to state your own opinion on anything. Every comment or argument has to be backed up by published research, including quotes. Everything has to be referenced appropriately.
In contrast, creative writing should be very descriptive. It should not reference other works and it should all be your own work, although another writer may inspire you, sowing the seed for your creativity to grow.
Creative writing does not have to have an introduction, an analysis and a conclusion. You may wish to start at the end and work backwards in a series of flashbacks. Or you could describe the same event from two points of view.
The best way to learn how to write, as others here have said, is to read lots of books by various authors in different styles.
Writing a journal may help.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

How I write a story on fantasy feeder

Before I start, I have to have some ideas in my head.
Who is the main character? ...I need a name, occupation, possibly a hobby, what is the character like? Are they a vain, fitness freak? ...or a skinny ginger geek.
Is there a secondary character? ...I need the same details about them in my head too.
Why and how does the main character gain weight? Do they want to do it or is it thrust upon them by measures beyond their control. Is the weight gain rapid, or very slow.
What causes the weight gain?

After a day or two of mulling about different ideas, I start writing the first chapter. Sometimes I can’t write an introduction or a title because I do not yet know what the story is about! Stick any old thing down here for now, you can always change it later.

In chapter one I will usually introduce my main character. In chapter two I will introduce a secondary character.
In chapter three the concept of weight gain is introduced.
After that, I let the characters guide the story.
I’m not very good at endings and I tend to leave stories unfinished or take them too far.

I tend not to proof read my own work. On occasions when I have some this, I have edited so much that the story may take a completely new direction!
I tend to write a sentence and then look back over it, checking it for spelling and grammatical errors, while I think of what I am going to write next.

I may write a chapter, put it down, muse over it while I do other things and then come back later, change the way I have written a paragraph or two, then move onto the next. Sometimes, I am inspired to write several chapters at once!

I tend to write on my iPad, (which is not an ideal medium). I need to watch out for auto-correct mistakes. Typing on a touch pad is not brilliant either. However, I am at my most creative just before I go to sleep or just before I get up.
I have written in MS Word and then copy and pasted onto fantasy feeder too, but that is usually when I am very inspired, or doing a radical rewrite.

I think writing on a phone and then asking readers to excuse spelling mistakes is an easy excuse for not writing properly and not checking your work before it is published.
I understand that we are not perfect and the odd typo can pass through undetected, but I you are serious about writing, don’t leave everything up to spellcheck. Know the difference between ‘know’ and ‘no’, for instance. ‘Weight’ and ‘wait’, ‘see’ and ‘sea’.

Hope this helps!
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

If we're talking about writing stories for here:
Take inspiration from as many genres as possible, not just other WG stories or erotica.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

^ Ehhhhh... I agree that there needs to be a story arc. But drama and conflict in porn? 90% of the time, miss me with it. WG writers feeling they NEED to have drama is what causes them to shoehorn in random fatphobic "villain" characters that have no purpose and just detract from the story, or have the character "struggle with their weight" for one paragraph before giving in to being a pig, or have the characters suffer from pointless relationship problems that go nowhere.

Interestingly, the idea that stories need conflict and drama is a relatively recent western invention, and a lot of stories from other cultures can get along without it. I think a lot of porn stories can run on the eastern notion that there doesn't have to be a conflict in the traditional sense as long as there's a twist and some kind of unexpected change by the end of it that makes it interesting.
5 years

Are there any simple ways to improve writing skills?

I might be in a minority of one here, but writing to a formula disrupts the artistic flow.
When I read a story or novel, I do not analyse it as if I was studying it as part of a literature exam. When I am reading a story, I am interested in character and plot progression. For example, I am not interested if the author is going through a bitter divorce, or when their last cup of tea was. A dry mouth and dehydration may cause the author to consider setting the story in the middle of the desert. Does it help my enjoyment of a piece if I know that? NO!
5 years
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