

I've gone full Mage bitches.

I looove the fireballs man. And those sexy summons.

Got my arch mage and morokai masks. So yeah. OPSauce man.
12 years


I wish I had this on something other than the PC.... It's just not as entertaining as when I played it at my friends house....

But, I kept it simple and stayed as the Nord. My comp seems to want to lag when I try to change the character in the begining.... Great game though!!
12 years


Ha I got a couple nords myself, I recently found a glitch that lets me level whatever I want so I'm level 81 haha and I decided to start over on another character today so now I'm 4 smiley Love this game.
12 years


It's an old topic but I'd like to note that it seems that Hammerfell will likely be the location of the next Elder Scrolls, home of the Redguard, given the teaser of desert-like scenery that's been shown. If anyone knows anything about the Towers in the lore it's not surprising since the Adamantine Tower is to the north of Hammerfell in Iliac Bay, which may well be the last un-sundered Tower in the world and which the Thalmor might be gunning for.

They're also putting in the 'Skyrim Grandma' Shirley Curry into the game which is nice (she's a YouTuber in her 80's that's a major fan of Skyrim and who plays it regularly):

The game won't be shown at this year's E3 so its still a long time off yet. I imagine Bethesda will finish and release Starfield first.
5 years