
The midwest

I live near Chicago and I have been into being a feeder for quite a while now. The thing that puzzles me most is that the midwestern states have like zero female feedes that are genuinely interested in each other. I feel like Canada has a bunch and so does the south. Can anyone explain why?
5 years

The midwest

I can only offer some theories and educated guesses, as a former very long time Illinois resident, and one who likes to observe and ascertain trends.

The too long; didn't read answer - I think there just aren't going to be enough in general. Also, to eat to the degree necessary, depending on how big you're looking for, is not an inexpensive endeavor.

Really, you should just make plans to leave Illinois. Even if you want to stay in the Midwest, literally any other state is doing better. If you don't, I expect you to lead a life of poverty, forever. You'll never get a woman because even if they claim they don't care about money, no one wants a janitor or a fry cook.

You have also mentioned living in Chicago, but I have no idea how far you would be willing to travel. I'm going to guess you can't go more than 2 hours one way, on a semi-regular basis. That would include the entire Chicago metro, and probably Madison, WI.

There's also of course the simple fact that almost no one will actually admit to feederism, or even recognize it.

Sure, on one hand nationwide, and in Illinois as well, the overall obesity rate has increased.

I took a look at your profile. Based on your age, I'm going to make the reasonable assumption that you are probably looking for women in their early 20s, whether into feederism or not. I have bad news for you.

I'm going to assume you aren't ignorant of the economic woes of Illinois, or how long it has lasted. In essence, after the previous economic crisis in '08, the state has never really recovered. While the numerical jobs count as *finally* reached pre-crisis levels, the quality has gone down.

Chicago seems to have been less affected by it, but the effects are still felt. If you think the best job you're likely to get is gas station attendant, maybe bartender if you're really lucky, even if you have a master's degree, are you going to stay if you have the option to move away? Even if you don't find anything better, you aren't worse off than before.

Illinois continues to lose population where on a percentage basis, only West Virginia is losing population even more quickly. The age groups leading the charge is 25-34, to a lesser degree 35-44, and for 18-24, this rate has sped up. The only reason it was lower for awhile was because of attending college. Basically, it's because there's either no jobs or crap jobs. There's a town which offered a few dozen jobs at $10/hr. and requires a bachelor's degree for them. They received many hundreds of applicants.

A couple years ago I heard that 40% of Illinois high school seniors who want to attend college, will be doing so out of state, in spite of the higher expense involved.

In addition to what you learn in the classes, you may also get some networking opportunities. In essence, they believe the state is not going to turn around in time to provide decent enough opportunities. Possibly maybe even.. never? What good are networking opportunities when everyone is just going to say "sorry, there's no jobs" or "yeah all we have is this minimum wage position, but you better hurry up because 100 others want it."

There's also the fact Chicago is costly. Chicago has done a poor job managing previous growth. Traffic is heavy because there's not enough road capacity. Housing costs are either too high, or commutes take too long. Combine that with low job growth, and it's not hard to see why younger folks aren't really rushing in.

Even if a young woman manages to get one those $50-60K/yr. jobs and can pay for the $2K/mo. rents, fat or not, she'll probably think she's too good for you anyway.

No, I think you should just buckle down and just forget about it for now. You should get out of Illinois while you still can. Maybe you should move south.
5 years

The midwest

Being from Iowa, feederism is like a super secret. I had to figure out my fetish from online sources and only found a few active people in my area.

On top of that there was a lot of a health push in my city so I think people were more about losing weight than gaining just from the environment.
5 years