Fattening others

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

I would be more relaxed with food options, so if shes undure on meals on what to have, then hint something tasty and fattening like a takeout or fast food or snacks. Let her cravings be the guide
6 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

do all of the above, and bring her blunts. am I allowed to suggest that? lmao appetite booster ahoy

I second that. Always keep the home stocked with weed and snacks
6 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

No matter what she has to be okay with gaining weight doing it to her secretly is 1) wrong 2) a great way to damage your relationship and her trust in you

In his initial post he said his girlfriend wanted to 'accidentally' gain weight.
6 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

do all of the above, and bring her blunts. am I allowed to suggest that? lmao appetite booster ahoy
ya that will help her eat more, but doesn't that boost metabolism?
6 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

She really wants to gain weight and she basically wants it to be "accidental", she wants to unsuspectingly gain weight, how could I do so.

Sure she does. Totally convinced over here.
6 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

Avocado's, whether it be an avocado spread or guacamole dip, it's high in fat, good for you and depending how you mix it, very tasty. Great on sandwiches, in salads, stuff like that. I'm sure you can find a few things she's already eating to add it too, she won't even notice.

I'm also a big fan on Coconut Oil, its good enough to smear on toast, you can fry stuff up with it on the stove, you can even use it as a sweetener in tea, coffee, or hot chocolate.

Adding these 2 items to her diet regularly and I bet you'll be able to tell a difference before she does.
6 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

Seems sketchy.
5 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

Hi all. So I met my partner 7 years ago and she was extremely active and in great shape weight was about 65 kgs she was a size 8 c cup boobs

Fast forward 7 years and 2 kids later she's up-to 103kgs and there's no end in sight she's up a size 16 very tight fit to an 18 her boob's are now gf cup and she has cellulite growing every where, her lower belly and thighs boob's and hips are covered in red stretch marks that she seams to ignore lol.

Anyhow we were talking last night because she insists she wanted to lose weight and I said I'd support and help her when she said to me she's come to realize she's not built for exercise I asked what she meant well after about 5 minutes of gentle walking she breaks out into a sweat and she hates that. She also said she's really enjoying the fact she has an ass now and would like it bigger lol I said I do as well.

She also mentioned how it's becoming a turn on when we have sex and her belly bounces against her pussy lol.

Just thought I'd share and hoping she continues to grow

5 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

Vanity Fair:
do all of the above, and bring her blunts. am I allowed to suggest that? lmao appetite booster ahoy

Okay I am ignorant on this subject... What cbd type product to digest to increase munchies?
5 years

How to make my gf "accidently" gain weight?

Marry her.
5 years
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