
Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Both scenarios are tantalizing.

For the first, I think I would take my time with the permanent weight gain. Part of me would want to sneak one of two along with me when I went to a buffet or out on a date. I'd sneak one in the middle of my meal and one at the end every once in a while to allow me a little personal thrill (and hopefully a thrill that might want my date to lead to other things). I don't think I'd take the full 200, but I'm sure I'd keep them around in case I changed my mind.

As for the second scenario, pretty much the same, but I think I'd take things a lot further - like bring a few with me out in public, and spending a lot of time nearly immobile and even checking out what immobile life would be like from time to time, seeing as I could lose the weight any time I want to.
11 years

Wg fantasy hypotheticals

Butter on a pop tart:
These ideas are kind of out there, but I'm kind of curious how the gainers/feedees would react to a couple of "fantasy" scenarios if they came to realization.

1: You're presented with a package of 200 M&Ms. Each M&M will make you gain 5 pounds. There are no other negative effects from the M&Ms, just the weight gain. Gain would be mostly fat, but perhaps some a bit of muscle to support your extra pounds. You can take as many as you want at your leisure.

Again, the only worry you would have over taking these is 1) explaining a sudden weight gain and dealing with the reactions and 2) fitting into your clothes!

The weight gain would begin instantly, and take 30s - 5minutes depending on how many M&Ms you ate. This would allow you to watch yourself fatten up right before your very eyes.

If worried about where you would gain the weight, I'll add in this clause: you can selectively gain weight in areas by rubbing them with your palms as you begin to swell up.

Weight gain is not temporary, and can only be undo through regular means (diet and exercise). What would you do with them? Take one every so often? Take several at once?

2) Same scenario, except you have an endless supply of the M&Ms and the weight gain is temporary. At any given time, you can undo your weight gain by something simple such as pinching your nose. There would be no adverse effects to this, no loose skin or stretch marks. How would you handle this situation?

I'd take scenario 1 and eat about 45 m&ms so I'd gain about 225lbs and just deal with the decision regarding it
5 years
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