Lifestyle tips

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I have a relative that is a long distance truck driver....started out when he was 24....probably 34 now and 150 + lbs. later.

I see long distant truck drivers that have some of the hugest guts for men that still do a little bit of walking around.

For women I would say telemarketers or the sort. Women that stay in these sort of jobs blow up to some large proportions.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I have a relative that is a long distance truck driver....started out when he was 24....probably 34 now and 150 + lbs. later.

I see long distant truck drivers that have some of the hugest guts for men that still do a little bit of walking around.

For women I would say telemarketers or the sort. Women that stay in these sort of jobs blow up to some large proportions.
I knew a young lady who worked as a receptionist at a local telemarketing agency initially average in size. After several months of always having junk food at her desk she became large. Another receptionist had said that she could not believe how this young woman could just keep eating junk food all day. According to her, everytime that she would look over at her, she was eating some kind of pastry.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Another vote for office job... at my desk for 90%+ of the day.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

Between that and your prior post mentioning occupations, I'm surprised.

The industries with the highest percentages and those occupations are more likely to be active, no?

Sure, physical activity may not burn a lot of calories but I doubt someone with an active job would have an easy ability to snack on the job, which would limit the amount you can eat.

Not sure how many opportunities an ER nurse would have to snack, for example.

The lower percentage in the industries of finance, insurance, or professional services is also curious. Seems like most of the work those industries provide would be desk jobs where you'd plop down your expanding gut and widening ass into a desk chair all day, typing at a computer while you snack on doughnuts, candy, cookies, and drink coffee all day.

But, there's probably something I'm missing.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

bills225:Always nice if there are some other fatties in the office that you can make friends with. Once you have your little fat tribe, you can all joke about how overweight you are and order lunch together.

It's not about the career, it's about the tribe, lol.
My wife got so fat mainly because she got into a rhythm with some fattie coworkers that normalized eating behaviors for her that I never could have done at home. Before long, the constant social pressure to tag along with them and pig out had her just another fattie on the team.

Yet she'll always have that competitive girl reassurance, "yeah I've gotten super fat. But I'm not even close to as fat as X team member. I'll never get THAT big...... 🙄
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

bills225:Always nice if there are some other fatties in the office that you can make friends with. Once you have your little fat tribe, you can all joke about how overweight you are and order lunch together.

It's not about the career, it's about the tribe, lol.

Sometimes, this is simply because of personal routine habits developped in-worktime, though.
That's the point. Most people don't develop personal habits in a vacuum; they're assimilated from their environment and social pressures. So if you're a skinny girl who came from a thin family, spouse is thin - the workplace becomes the primary place for exposure to different eating habits, particularly since you're around coworkers more than you're actual spouse.

When all of a sudden you're on a work team where everybody's overweight and your boss invites you along to McD's and ice cream - regardless that you don't like fast food, you don't want to be the lone anti-socialite of the bunch.

Doesn't take long before you're tagging along daily with the tribe, dessert after lunch is a given, you're actually the one picking up the donuts with the corporate card in the morning. Then it's not long before those habits start bleeding their way into your home life.

At least that's how it's been for my wife with her last two jobs where she was surrounded by very heavy web designers.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat


Good point. I've seen both sides. Her prior job was working around skinny millennial chicks that constantly made her self-conscious and always made her feel like she was the whale on the team.

But now that she works with a bunch of heavier girls, she's one of the "smaller" ones. And because they're all gaining, they all mentally play the "well at least I'm not as fat as ______". But they don't understand that they're comparing themselves to a moving target as they gain together.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

My partner and I own a photography business together. When he stopped doing field work and basically just sits around for post development, he gained about 100 lbs in 9 months. Sits all day, goes home and drinks a massive amount of beer, sleeps and repeats.
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

I work in a call center and sit all day and don't hava to get out of my chair all day
5 years

Jobs/careers that will help you get fat

billedmeup:Night shifts.Going from three meals a day to four put on 50 pounds in the first year.

Every nurse I've known has blown up! My buddy says he'll get off his 12hr shift, late, starving and then pickup a pizza and eat it all by himself with a couple beers, go right to sleep. Wake up, immediately eat....
5 years
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