Fat experiences

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I realized I wanted to be fat when I put on some winter weight and couldn’t button my jeans. The extra 15 lbs I had put on made me realize I wanted to keep overindulging
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

When I saw my mates through the years didn’t mind it and enjoyed it as much as they enjoyed their own weight gain :-)
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

When I was in my early teens. My best friend had gained weight over the summer months. I gradually notice others over the years gaining weight. I wondered what it would be like being fat and during the college years, I started gaining weight. Love the feeling and love telling others what a wonderful experience it has been being fat.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

It was quite a few years ago. I always liked fat guys. About 12-15 years ago I had my first flirtation with the desire to get fat. I put it aside for a while and continued to workout and diet. About 4 years ago I actively started gaining. I’ve put on about 40-50 lbs and may keep going.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

So, when I was 17 or 18, I fell really hard for a girl online. A few months later, I finally got a picture of her and she was really cute, but she was a lot heavier than I was used to finding attractive then. Like, maybe, 5ft 8' and, about, 250lb. But I still found her attractive. Then that kinda attractive view spread to all women and then all guys (bisexual).

When I hit university, I put on about 10lb accidentally and begun to enjoy how it was beginning to look. So I let my body go, like not stopping it but not egging it on. Eventually I broke up with her, but I kept getting deeper into gainer and fat fetish.

Now, well, I stuff, gain and adore fat so much, haha. I got really deep into it.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

About ten years ago I had a dramatic weight loss (not trying) and I felt so self conscious in such a small body... I went from like a 12/14 to a size 4/6...

I’ve gradually gained back weight but in the last couple years it really packed on and I was the heaviest I’ve ever been, 215lbs.

I really liked it, my bf at the time not so much. (We met when I was skinny) My previous boyfriends always liked when I was heavier so I knew it was a him issue and not a me issue.

I dumped him last year and now I am totally indulging myself.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I’ve known ever since I was a little kid, I would stuff pillows under my dress and fantasize about being force fed. I think it has much to do with my mom being very restrictive of my diet, she never let me eat candy or junk food as a kid or teenager.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I have always known that I preferred a super-sized gentleman.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

Well I only realised I liked bigger women about 2-3 years ago. Meanwhile I was accidentally gaining weight, enjoyed it and now intentionally gaining.
5 years

When did you realize you wanted to be fat?

I was fascinated by fat as a kid, but when puberty hit my first 'sexual' fantasy was about joining a weight gain club with the two chubby girls and other chubby boy in my class, me starting off the thinnest but being the clear fattest by the end (which would win me the right to date the fatter of the girls). So I was into erotic gain from the time I was into erotic anything.
5 years
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