Fattening others

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

yeah but secret feeding is slimy as hell, too.

So it's pretty gross. :-)
5 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

yeah but secret feeding is slimy as hell, too.

So it's pretty gross. :-)

I don't think this qualifies as secret feeding. It is more like encouraging someone to do something they really want to do anyway.

Think of it this way, if it was a woman holding a dress she obviously liked in a store, would you have a problem with telling them how good it would look on them, when you truly meant it?
5 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

5 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

Slimy is secretly adding tons of butter or olive oil to dishes, etc.

Just cooking a nice spread and watching the chubster 'go' is wholesome encouragement IMO.

Whenever my sister-in-law comes over, she's almost 300lbs, I always cook a nice spread of taco dip, guacamole, appetizers and just enjoy watching her and my wife polish it all off into the wee hours of the night.

Once they're full, I''ll bring out something more and it's always enjoyable to hear the "Oh no, no more. I'm done". Leave it out and notice 20min later their faces are right back in the dip trough.
5 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

Where does anywhere in that post does it imply that the "Fatty" was a feedee? Anywhere?

Do you ever stop to think that maybe Manipulating someone isn't a good idea?

Like, yay, someone's overweight. I bet if I give them a cake they'll eat it. Is that really an accomplishment to you? Do you really feel like a mastermind?

You're nothing more than a lazy villain and anyone who agrees that this a "Turn on" isn't far behind the OP.

Twist it however you want, but it's still slime and that won't change.
5 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

[quote] I don't think this qualifies as secret feeding. It is more like encouraging someone to do something they really want to do anyway.

Yep, this! We were at a bbq, and he was debating about having his mini bottled shot of limoncello "now" or "later".

I made the point that he could enjoy it now and if he really wanted one, get another one later (since he was thinking of saving it for the flight he was going to take later that day).

About an hour later, I happened to walk by him, and he ended up having his lil shot "now".

The only main turn on aspect of this for me as a feeder, is that he's a bit over 300 lbs.

That's about it smiley

I love the thought of this. To have a woman like yourself encourage me to eat more and take pleasure in my expanding 60" belly. I know I would totally succumb to you and continue to pack on the pounds.
5 years

I found myself subtly encouraging a huge fatty i met today - and they gave in- it was so unexpec

I think you did a fun thing. It's fun for us feeder/enablers to do something like that, and for the person the feeling of "having it" isn't bad.

Encouraging, enticing, manipulating; all these kinds of behavior modification are a huge turn on for me. I've done the adding hidden calories thing but the encouraing is much more fun.

My wife wants to be thin but doesn't want to do the thin things; she wants to eat, she doesn't want to be active. So I encourage that behavior. Surround her with easily accessible snacks, have cake and ice cream and pies in the house at all times, and work on turning her "oh no" attitude into "I deserve good food and doing nothing and getting fatter isn't the worst" Seeing her eat and gain is just that much more fun.
5 years