Fat experiences

Girlfriend gained 60lbs

My girlfriend gained 60lbs the last 4 years and she looks amazing. But unfortunately she hates the weight and wants to lose weight how to I convince her to keep gaining and that it�s truly beautiful.

Influx is right, but I'd also say it is a bit more nuanced than that. Bodies will change and you need to accept that if you are going to be in for the long haul. So commit yourself to supporting her. -- commit to yourself and to her. This is first, bith in importance and in timing.

But you can convince her that you think she looks great with the weiggt on her, and that by no means do you think she is too big.

Also really listen to her, and ask questions, about why she wants to lose. She feels unhealthy, no energy, can't find nice clothes easily, feet are sore, her blood sugar readings are high, her mother is on her case, she doesn't feel desirable ... There can be all sorts of reasons, and honestly some of them probably do suggest weight loss. But a lot can honestly be better addressed by other means, that are more apt to work in the long run, like better food choices, more physical activity, more support from you in some areas, some changes to how your relationship works, etc.

And also remember that very few people lose substantial amounts of weight and keep it off in the long run. Even if she is determined to lose weiggt, support and patience can be your friends.
5 years