
You saved $1,000 for wg. how would you....

For round numbers, let's call it 100 days (14 weeks plus an extra weekend) So an average of ten dollars a day beyond your usual budget. Not a lot, but fortunately dome calories are cheap! Some of the cheap calories really are not very healthy, but this is a limited time thing so I won't worry about that much.

I'd start with a pint of heavy cream each day, which might cost you $4 or so? Around 900 calories, and many people here have claimed that heavy cream has really helped them gain.

Then you need to get to know the stores in your area. Some sort of low budget store probably has some low priced treats, like a fair sized box of mini donuts for $2.99 or something. Failing all else, pop tarts are usually a calorie bargain. Whatever it is, you are looking for something easy to snack on over the day, totalling up around 1200 calories or more (a box of 8 pop tarts is 1600 calories, btw). Call this another four bucks a day, and want to go through one such thing each day.

This leaves ~$15 a week for extra treats, like ordering a late night pizza or making a fast food run one day or having a lot of soda to drink, or whatever.

It is not as dramatic as you might have been thinking of, but I suspect it would still add up to a pretty noticeable gain.
5 years