
Pros and cons of gaining weight?

Garden to say if any one person's pro & cons would match yours but here is my $0.02..

Pros: Breast and butt growth, more feminine figure, self-acceptance of being chubby (or more than chubby).

Cons: Clothes! I have had to buy new outfits because nothing fits (or barely fits). Also, increased weight does put more stress on joints etc, reduced mobility.
5 years

Pros and cons of gaining weight?

Layboy:Cons: Clothes! I have had to buy new outfits because nothing fits (or barely fits). Also, increased weight does put more stress on joints etc, reduced mobility.

💸💸💸 in general! The food bill per month, constant takeout, delivery fees, tipping, new clothes is ridiculous. My wife will blow $35 just at the office in a day on takeout and vending machine snacks. I always tell her she's damn lucky I'm a feeder because I would not be OK with that amount of reckless spending lol!

Other cons is developing different (sedentary) hobbies from your partner that may isolate you more (TV, gaming, buried in your phone).

This fetish is weird because the cons usually are the pro's, lol. What is frustrating often turns you on as you face the challenges of being a tired, hangry fattie.
5 years