Lifestyle tips

Vitamins for a healthy feedee

For starters, there is no substitute for fruits and veggies. He may not love them, but green and orange vegetables in particular do so much for us that supplements can't really fully cover.

If he is getting his veggies he should get most of what he needs. However a serious multivitamin can help make sure he isn't short on some vitamin or mineral (look for the kind with like 20 things in them, or just look for zinc near the end of the ingredients list)

The one thing that I would suggest is that in the winter months (or all year if he avoids the sun) he take a vitamin D supplement. In general people in north America and northern parts of Europe tend to be low on it in the darker half of the year, as we mostly get it from being exposed to strong enough sun, and there is very little in our food. And apparently we use up our stores of it some with eating carbs, so if eating a lot of cheap food he may be more prone to running low.
5 years