Fat experiences

Clothes are getting smaller!!

One of the best things about gaining is going up a size in clothes. I currently wear 2XL (UK sizes) t shirts. I remember when I got my first XL t shirt, it was so baggy compared to the tight large t shirts I was wearing. I stayed that size for a while until I found a t-shirt that I really liked that only had a 2XL in stock and I got it. It was kinda big on me but fit very well! I eventually got too fat for XL. My excuse to buy more 2XL clothes were "they shrink in the wash"! Well, a lot of my 2XL clothes have "shrunk in the wash" lately, time to move up to 3XL maybe!!
What size clothes do you guys wear?
5 years

Clothes are getting smaller!!

Growing out of clothes and feeling the fabric tight against my body is one of my favorite things about gaining. Sometimes it's hard to notice the subtle changes that fat makes on my body over a long period of time, and shrinking clothes are an excellent way to gauge my progress.

I'm not as large as you, but I'm reaching the point where my medium shirts (which I've worn for the entirety of my adult life) just aren't cutting it anymore. They cling to my breasts and ride up past my stomach if I give so much as a shrug.

I only have a few large shirts in my wardrobe and my wife often says "Wow, you really like that shirt a lot!". I'm a little embarrassed to tell her that it's because most other shirts don't fit me anymore. Figured it's a good time to update my wardrobe.

The real question is whether to buy L or XL... some of these larges are getting kind of snug smiley.

From the sound of it, it sounds like you should get the XL since it seems like you keep gaining. For trousers, might want to get larger ones too that are about to fall down. Use a belt, or suspenders to keep them up.

One thing though.. looser trousers might indirectly cause you to eat more, since you would have to expand more until it starts feeling tight.
5 years

Clothes are getting smaller!!

I’m 5’6” and 240 lbs. My shirts are snug 17 1/2s. There’s no way I can even consider buttoning the collars. My neck actually measures 20”. My belly is 51-52” around. By rights I need size 19 1/2 - 20. My pants are 44 waist. I’m sure I need 50-52 in suit jacket. T-shirts are snug XL. I could do with XXL. I love how my shirts fit like this (I don’t know if the pic will display).

5 years

Clothes are getting smaller!!

Yeah, its remarkable how all my clothes have shrunk in the wash lately...

The only thing that's keeping me in my current pants size is the fact that there seems to be a trend toward stretch-able fabrics in men's clothes these days. I was buying new shorts and any of the 34's without an elastic waist, I was barely able to button. I've finally had to start retiring shirts as well as I realize all my old mediums are turning into weird belly shirts.
4 years