
Inner turmoil

I reckon I know what your getting at... but maybe not...

You on the fence between being fat or not...

You probably are somewhat fit right now... but the idea of being fat really turns you on...

AM I right?


You cant have your cake and eat it too...

Pros and cons.

FOr me... I fought the same battle...

I stay fit. I like being flexible. I like having strength and stamina. I like being able to escape through small passages and be able to lift my own weight. I like being quick and nimble. I like the feel of energy and not being short of breath.


Eating whatever you want, indulging is nice too... Feeling your rolls grow... So much jiggle...

ONLY you can decide what factors matter most to you.

It NEVER is easy.

Sorry if this seems all over, but it isnt an easy topic
5 years

Inner turmoil

More power to the people that were able to find a balance between gaining and staying active. I used to be a social butterfly but the more I gained, the more I found myself staying in to gain. I stopped doing a lot of things that I used to do because food just became more important. But to answer OP's question, it wasn't a difficult just slowly but surely became my new normal.
5 years

Inner turmoil

The original post made a very stark distinction between what is now, and perceived gaining lifestyle. It doesn't have to be so black and white. You may drop some activities of you gain, but you may pick up others that suit you better. Or maybe less total activity, but still a fair bit. And similarly with food, you can incrementally change.

Unless of course you want to do something dramatic!
5 years

Inner turmoil

Personally I take perverse pleasure in pre or post eating, especially when it is substantial (like getting a full fast food meal on the way to eat dinner with people). So not eating TOO heavily when out with others doesn't bother me.
5 years